View Full Version : Sad, immature.. i don't know

03-13-2014, 08:13 AM
I am new here. but I am at wits end... It's made me greatly depressed and upset.
I don't even know if this is in the right place...I am confused and upset.

I've been depressed as of late for various reasons and amongst other things...

ok... So I was taking a photo of the shopping centre roof, they were doing work on the place recently... a rather random and trivial picture, but since I was talking about it with parents as of late I decided to take a snap.

Evening talking about this event, makes me feel soo childish
This guy at this stand accuses me of taking a photo of him ( hes almost a pixel in the photo, size of a pin head)
I told him i wasn't. and he said he saw me.. so i told him I was taking a photo of the roof, not you....

I said dont want a photo of him. he threatens to ring secruity on me if i dont delete it, so I told him again.... I dont want photo of him. and walked off.... so i felt rather stupid and depressed because maybe i couldn't
stick up for myself correctly even tho i didn't let him totally bully me.I lodged a complaint
Even tho I have nothing to hide, I don't want people bothering me... I already was caught off guard by this....person.

It got to me, really got to me probably due to my anxiety or the fact my OCD kept repeating the event in my head wishing i stuck up for myself better.
I feel like if I can't stick up for myself? How the heck will I stick up for a loved one or something....

I thought If I ever saw him again , i'd set myself straight with him
funny enough I saw him again at a different store so I told him if he called security? (sarcastically)
Then told him I would actually show him the picture in question ( u know...if he was so worried about it) but he refused probably thinking he knew he was in the wrong.
Turned into something kind of childish so I walked away again feeling worse then before.

but this thing .... that should of been a slight annoyence at best has put me into deep depression... i feel stupid and i cant even think straight, my anxiety has risen now, it's created a new anxiety where I don't even like my camera...and I love photography.... I am hopeless.

03-13-2014, 08:23 AM
I think you are looking between the lines for a hidden message that just is not there. I too have the same problem, constantly repeating the scenario and conversation, wishing I had done or said something different. But in the end I tell myself people make mistakes - and on top of it - I am most likely exaggerating and over thinking the whole thing. Easier said then done, I know. But you can't let it bother you to such a great extent. Nobody ever knows what to say when someone comes out of left field making stupid accusations. It's just one of those random situations brought on by a random guy you will most likely never see again.

03-13-2014, 08:32 AM
Well today was the 3rd time I saw him...I ignored him but he gave me the evil eye, I just want to be left alone....
My anxiety is going to spike far too often now =(

If this was a Breakup, a death of a loved one, troubles about past demons, etc etc... that would make sense...but this... i don't even understand myself. I feel weak.