View Full Version : Trouble swallowing - options exhausted - could this be from my anxiety?

03-13-2014, 07:38 AM
I have been diagnosed with GAD this past fall and have tried a number of medications/supplements to combat my symptoms. My BIGGEST problem, is Dysphagia (difficulty swallowing), among other things. Until recently me and my doctors have chalked it up to enlarged tonsils - further testing revealed sleep apnea. So surgery was done yet my main problem for going through with the surgery was the dysphagia. After seeing my surgeon for a check up I asked him if it is possible the trouble swallowing has been my anxiety all along and he said its absolutely a possibility. All along I was told by multiple doctors it is actually acid reflux. Reflux can sometimes cause a foreign sensation in the throat - but I've been on acid reducers for years - and this problem with the throat has significantly gotten worse over the year (One of the most stressful years of my life).

Also, the doctor I see who treats my anxiety has led me to believe it is very mild. My symptoms are Obsessive thinking, constant mind chatter, cold & sweaty hands & feet, fear of constantly making a fool of myself and of what others think (especially in public). I take Mirtazapine 45mg, Gabapentin 600mg 30mg buspar and Adderall for ADD (believe it or not these symptoms exist whether or not I take it). I have tried SSRIs/SNRIs and now Buspar, which I have noticed absolutely no difference even after 3 weeks. I have been doing my best to avoid benzodiazepines, even opting for surgery to remove my palatine and lingual tonsils not just for the sleep apnea, but for my trouble swallowing. This has impacted almost every aspect of my quality of life and I'm so tired and frustrated of this on top of everything else going wrong. I am absolutely miserable in more ways than one. I don't want to get into detail about all the other negative aspects of my life but - I'm wondering if this is all stemming from a more severe form of anxiety - severe enough to tighten, clench and swell my throat up to the point of gagging and dry heaving. I have never sought professional help until this past fall so maybe there is a chance I've been living with this my entire life? If so maybe relief is obtainable - opinions of those who can relate would be much appreciated.