View Full Version : My vision hasn't improved. I'd love some advice.

Irish Sammie
03-13-2014, 07:37 AM
I posted here a few weeks ago with issues that my vision, for a bit over a month now has been off. I'm quite sensitive to day time light, my eyes water much easier finding myself squinting and it's uncomfortable for me to look directly ahead of me when I'm out walking. A slight 45 degree angle is where I'm finding my eyes resting when walking around. I'm finding that there is a mild blurry edge to some things I look at, mostly lights/letters/things on my screen. My vision feels jerky and that it can never fully relax. I also get the "static tv" film over my vision which is quite subtle, but once you're aware of it once, you tend to notice it more often. I lose focus much more easily and I find myself de-focussing my eyes and just staring at something for no apparent reason.

This I've heard this is attributed to the after effect of a panic attack which I experienced just before Christmas. I've not experienced one since, but I've felt close to having one a few times but I've managed to hold it off. For the most part, I'm doing ok, but it does contribute to the paranoia that something is wrong with me, and since your vision is your perceptual gate to the world, you can imagine how important this is to get fixed so I can "move on".

I find that it gets more problematic in public as there is so much moving around, my eyes can never really rest on anything so my attention feels like it's being pulled in every direction which means I just can't relax. It's getting more annoying than anything as it's more of a problem for me right now than the actual feeling of Anxiety itself. Curing this would help me manage any residual feelings.

If anyone has experienced this, I'd appreciate any information you can provide.

(P.S: Yesterday I went to the Opticians and she told me my vision is perfect, that what I'm experiencing must be "something else" and that I don't need glasses.)

Thank you :)

03-13-2014, 07:53 AM
Hiya I'm so glad to have read your post I have been experiencing the very same thing. Mine started after suffering from a migraine back in October I had the flashing lights and then bam a massive migraine now I'm always focusing on my eyes... I too have been to get them checked no prob day all. So I put it down to anxiety because the flashing lights caused me a massive panic attack... I hope you are doing ok x

Irish Sammie
03-13-2014, 08:38 AM
Thanks moomy!

For the most part, aslong as I keep myself distracted and focused on other things, I don't notice it at much. I was out shopping yesterday and I just started spacing out waiting in line to pay for my food, my eyes just de-focused and I had to snap myself out of it. It's so annoying as it's not a physical issue, being Psychological means it's so much harder to diagnose!

03-13-2014, 04:19 PM
Yea I can relate to that without a doubt but I've seen numerous docs that all say that it's anxiety related so I'm taking this in board and it seems to be slowly sinking in x

03-13-2014, 04:30 PM
I get this too and other visual disturbances.

Sometimes out if nowhere my vision will jerk and scares the hell out of me.

I also find it hard to focus on things, especially my computer screen, I get a weird dizziness

03-13-2014, 05:05 PM
Ah my god I thought the vision was just me! Worst thing about my anxiety I think-especially as you can't get away from it. If I'm busy it's normally fine but as soon as I have to focus or watch something and do nothing else that's when it gets worse. Hate it!

03-13-2014, 05:28 PM
My vision always gets worse looking at the PC screen it's weird, it's like my heads all over the place n my eyes feel weird like things aren't real then I panic, sunlight is bad too, it's all anxiety related but hard to tell urself that wen it's happening and the of course you constantly analyse it which just makes you more anxious x

03-13-2014, 05:50 PM
Can you wear a pair of sunglasses or similar when in front of the PC?

I wear my sunglasses at night so I can, so I can...do lots of things

03-13-2014, 06:16 PM
yea I wear sunglasses a lot but I do try not to because it's like an avoidance behaviour really x

Irish Sammie
03-13-2014, 11:17 PM
Ah my god I thought the vision was just me! Worst thing about my anxiety I think-especially as you can't get away from it. If I'm busy it's normally fine but as soon as I have to focus or watch something and do nothing else that's when it gets worse. Hate it!

Yeah!! You can't get away from it. I sometimes relate it to "drunk vision" it's like the vision you get when you're drunk, without being drunk yourself! But, with that you know in a few hours you're going to be fine, and you know it's the drink that's making you feel like that. In our case, it's the psychological effect taking place which you know WON'T go away in a few hours, which makes you feel more paranoid and the feeling of helplessness. Ugh....

Irish Sammie
03-13-2014, 11:21 PM
My vision always gets worse looking at the PC screen it's weird, it's like my heads all over the place n my eyes feel weird like things aren't real then I panic, sunlight is bad too, it's all anxiety related but hard to tell urself that wen it's happening and the of course you constantly analyse it which just makes you more anxious x

Yes!!! I'm the exact same way. There's a word for that moomy, it's called "Disassociation" Where by you feel disconnected with the world around you. It's another anxiety symptom. That is one of the only aspects I've encountered so far, that no matter how much I try to tell myself that it IS real, I don't believe it at all and I need to step away from what I'm doing and try to focus on something else. Thankfully it's only happened twice so far but it's rediculously scary. I've read articles written by Psychologists whereby they say they hear reports from patients that feel like they're going crazy, that they're losing their minds. I can completely see how they might perceive that though I think you'd have to be a.) In a much worse scenario than ourselves and b.) Not fully aware of the symptoms.

Knowing and understanding the symptoms has made me control my feelings more, knowing what I'm feeling is a natural effect of the anxiety and not something else.

I mean, out of any sort of person to have this, I'm a natural overthinker. That natural state of mind only makes these symptoms more potent.

03-14-2014, 02:21 AM
Yeah!! You can't get away from it. I sometimes relate it to "drunk vision" it's like the vision you get when you're drunk, without being drunk yourself! But, with that you know in a few hours you're going to be fine, and you know it's the drink that's making you feel like that. In our case, it's the psychological effect taking place which you know WON'T go away in a few hours, which makes you feel more paranoid and the feeling of helplessness. Ugh....

You've explained it EXACTLY

Irish Sammie
03-14-2014, 05:55 AM
You've explained it EXACTLY

Thank you :)

It's always nice to get confirmation off other people experiencing it so then you know you're not alone it it. Takes the "mystery" away from it slightly lessening the worry factor.

I had NO idea the effects of a once thought of "simple" emotion. Anxiety is clearly one of the most complex and over-baring reactionary emotions humans have.