View Full Version : malaysian airlines stressing me out

03-13-2014, 07:22 AM
I cant stop stressing about malaysian airlines. Every day that passes that they dont find the plane makes me more anxious. Its become an obsession im on twitter all day reading updates.
I just need to know where it is and I need answers asap!
How can a massive plane just disappear, ????

03-13-2014, 07:42 AM
I was a CNN junkie, especially during the first gulf war and 911 tragedy.

The stress levels were unbearable! But I needed to know!

Realization.... There was nothing I could do about it and it was going to unfold whether I watched it or not.

Advice.... Delete your twitter account if you are compelled to check it all the time and stress out about it.

Unless you are directly involved, having a family member or loved one on board, acknowledge it as a mystery and maybe a tragedy and get on with your day.

Have a good one!
Pam :)

03-13-2014, 07:58 AM
This is why I never watch news channels or look at any news websites online. I get hooked and obsessed. Bad news has such a negative effect on me.
Will try to stay away as much as I can until im able to accept that bad things .horrible things happen in the world every day..

03-13-2014, 08:01 AM
This is why I never watch news channels or look at any news websites online. I get hooked and obsessed. Bad news has such a negative effect on me. Will try to stay away as much as I can until im able to accept that bad things .horrible things happen in the world every day..

You're on the right track! Good for you!!!

03-13-2014, 08:49 AM
It's a weird one for sure.

I hate following stuff like this though, as people always know far more than they ever let you know. It's like you're sitting there compelled to find out, but you won't find out real answers until people want you to.

03-13-2014, 08:58 AM
I cant stop stressing about malaysian airlines. Every day that passes that they dont find the plane makes me more anxious. Its become an obsession im on twitter all day reading updates.
I just need to know where it is and I need answers asap!
How can a massive plane just disappear, ????

It's been getting to me to!! I hate things like this im constantly checking the news. Glad I'm not the only one.

03-13-2014, 09:02 AM
Yes, it is very odd!!!!! I find it very easy to get hooked on watching bad news on CNN and other news outlets. It can definitely trigger anxiety. I sometimes have to make a conscious effort to not watch those channels for a few days to give myself a break.