View Full Version : L-Tryptophan supplements

04-14-2008, 03:17 AM
I read Mood Cure by Julia Ross. I'm sure many of you are familiar with it.

Anyways, so first I tried taking L-Tryptophan to up my serotonin levels. The first couple days, it felt good because my emotionalness went away. Things that would otherwise annoy me didn't bother me at all. But at the same time I felt very calm...TOO CALM. But it was okay the first couple days. Then it got worse. At night, I started getting really bad obsessive worrying thoughts. I usually have obsessions but it's pretty mild but when taking the L-Tryptophan, I couldn't stop! Then, one day it got really weird.

I had school that day. And in class, it was soooo weird and hard to describe, but it was break, and I couldn't get-up to go to the bathroom.. yet it wasn't a physical problem, it's not like I couldn't move my body physically to get up. It's that mentally I couldn't. It's like in my head I was thinking "ok 1,2,3, get up! ....1,2,3, get up!" but it took me like 5 minutes. Then I was eating at a restaurant by myself that day. And same thing happened, I was done eating and I couldn't get up to leave. Then I came home, and I sat done on my bed, and I couldn't get up to go to the bathroom. Once again, not a physical problem, it was mentally I couldn't initiate myself to get up. So needless to say, I stopped taking the tryptophan, and I never had that problem again. But then I felt emotional again so that sucked.

So I'm just wondering if any of you have ever experienced that before and know what I'm talking about...about the not being able to get up. It's was so weird and scary, yet it wasn't really anxiety!! I didn't feel nervous, I just felt nothing.

And I'm also wondering if any of you have any ideas why the tryptophan could have done that. maybe my serotonin levels are already too high????

Going back to the mood cure by julia ross, I also tried all the other supplements of the 4 main ones, except gaba. (So I tried Tyrosine, DLPA)And the rest did nothing for me. Wasn't good or bad, just nothing. So what do you all think from all this? And what were your experiences with tryptophan and other supplements?

04-15-2008, 06:05 AM
When my anxiety problems first started, I recall having similar problems when I tried to take 5-HTP. 5-HTP is similar to tryptophan, but one step closer to serotonin. Like yourself, I also decided just to stop using it. Honestly, I don't know the underlying biochemistry. But I DO know that just because a supplement is natural, this doesn't mean it is harmless. I therefore limit my anxiety supplements to just omega 3 (both fish AND flax) and magnesium. I have not had a problem with either. And most other people shouldn't, either.