View Full Version : neuralgia or sinuses?

03-13-2014, 06:36 AM
Hi all need advice around December I started getting right side face pain around the eye check lip and ear area. one doc said it was sinuses and another said it was neuralgia and give me tablets which I didn't talk as it went away after a month of it.. now it's back and I'm about the take the tablets but I just wanted advice.. this time in getting pains in my head and temple in the right side too and funny feelings in my face which make me run to the mirror and check myself (stupid I no!) and also seeing flashing lights in my eye(right one) all was ok at the opticians tho :/ I've just had I everyday for the past week on n off all day stays about a hour at a time wen it comes.. I'm just sick of the discomfort feeling more Than anything cos the feelings make it feel like bits of my face are numb even tho there not can anyone give me any advice xx

03-13-2014, 07:22 AM
I too had that. It is called trigeminal neuralgia, but, when I had it, it was the most painful feeling I had ever experienced.
Almost as if I had been hit in the side of the head with a 2 by 4 board. (if your symptom does not feel like this, it is not neuralgia).
The pain NEVER let up, and would change in intensity.
The tablets were called (carbamazepine=tegretol). Although I believe that (gabapentin) is also sometimes used for it also.
It is also very rare, and it is a disease, not a condition. You must at least try the meds. My Doctor of 25 years had only ever seen 2 cases.
The only thing that would even remotely lessen this pain was a benzo.
I would also take some sort of a medication for your sinuses to open them up, if they're stuffed up. (ask a pharmacist for a recommendation)..

I hope that get to feeling better and that this disease stops bothering you...it was hell on earth.


03-13-2014, 07:34 AM
Thank you for the advice :) my pain does not feel like you described just getting a lot of discomfort in my face and just a small bit of pain now and then which I can handle. I will give the tablets a try anyways thank you

03-13-2014, 07:37 AM
also my tablets are called amitriptyline

03-13-2014, 07:40 AM
i got it on my thigh and, on the beginning just tingling and numbing sensation, then pain , awful pain, I am on Gabapentin so it takes a bit of edge of it. I made a salve for it and works like a charm, almost does not exist anymore, but it took like 4 months to be a this stage. I would advice you to see a doctor. :) good luck