View Full Version : Derealization/Depersonalization - finally controlled!

03-13-2014, 06:10 AM
Hey gang! :)

After 3-4 months living with this horrible feeling: I can now say I have control over it. It hasn't been a fun experience, but I've learned so much from it. Of course, I can't say I overcome it completly and that I'm fully normal. But I've learned a way to deal with the damn thing and it's fading away slowly. The whole way it's been 5 steps forward and 4,7 back.

I've seen people who says that the more you know, the worse it'll get. In my case, this wasn't true. The first months I lived with this, it was horrible. I didn't know what it was. Was it from the MJ? Was it laced? Am I going crazy? Am I gonna die? But more knowledge = the sooner it'll fade away. However, don't focus on it when you already have your answer, don't try to find a "HOLY-SH*T-MEGA-ULTI-SUPER-DUPER-3000-CURE", because there isn't.

I got my dr/dp from MJ. But it really doesn't matter, whether you get it from stress, drugs, alcohol or whatever. It all comes from the anxiety. To all of you who's suffering with this, please get this straight. IT'S FROM THE ANXIETY!

ACCEPT IT! - This is when your way to recovery starts. F***ing say it loud: "I accept that I have dr/dp - I'm not going crazy - it's all from the anxiety". It's not a defeat when you accept it, it means that you stop fighting it, which is progress.

STOP WORRYING! - The more you worry, the more you feed it. The more you feed it, the longer it will stay. Let it go, stop thinking of it. It needs to be buried in the subconscious mind, where it once where.

DISTRACT YOURSELF - It's hard. But this is the key to get through this sh*t. Focus on something else. Exercise, games, TV, music or whatever. Just stop focusing on it.

- Isolating yourself at home is also a bad idea. It'll only get worse and worse. You need to interact with reality as much as possible.

- Also, stop dwelling about it. Stop searching, there isn't a cure for a "sickness" that isn't there. YOU control it, don't let it control you. Learn to say f*ck it!

I hope this makes sense. I'm writing this not only to help others, but because it also helps me. Helping others - helps me :)


03-13-2014, 07:24 AM

Great news to hear bruhhhhhhhhhh!!!!
Have a great day friend....

Enduronman :)

03-13-2014, 08:58 AM
Great work Agent Elias!

03-13-2014, 09:15 AM
Great work Agent Elias!

proud of u man.persoy have been dr free for 3 days.sp active these days i didnt feel it. i lt was my birthday so i had an amazing time.and tomorrow i go to milan and then barcelona yaaaay!!!!i will be writing you guys.just a little affraid of flying but i am not going to die i hope :pppp

03-13-2014, 09:39 AM
Thanks guys!! :) Nice signature Jessed, 100% true lol.

Cimi damn, I want to go to Spain and Italy too :( Keep us updated and take some pictures while you're there! :)

03-13-2014, 11:10 AM
Thanks guys!! :) Nice signature Jessed, 100% true lol.

Cimi damn, I want to go to Spain and Italy too :( Keep us updated and take some pictures while you're there! :)

i will man show photos of me naked in barcelona ahahahhahahaha kidding