View Full Version : Just need advice i admit been trolling for a minute

03-12-2014, 09:51 PM
Def have anxiety have for years, usually deal wth it pretty well..I got panick attacks from a bad reaction to zoloft and have had them ever since every so often..anyway around thanksgiving I had a bad panick attack completely untriggered in the shower calmed it down thought I was fine they always peak and go away..well around the same time I started getting these bad pressure headaches almost constant for a few months then that went away only to develop into a normal headaches now almost constant..I have health anxiety now because I've had panick attaxks before never brought these symptoms on now I get the facial and scalp tightness with these headaches..but it's been five months now with either those symptoms almost constant..even though I have anxiety and panick attaxks rarely I deal pretty well but these symptoms are constant which naturally gave me health anxiety lol bet u guessed.. I've had cat scan mri blood work different panels for weakness all came back normal now I'm thinking my stress gave me new daily persistent heqdaxhes wtf lol my neurologist says it's anxiety my doctor said it's migraines with tension headaches..does this sound normal I'm not even anxious or really stressed anymore other then the annoying factor of feeling like crap daily I would have thought it would have gone away once the anxiety chills out anyway any good advice would be helpful I don't always trust doctors like I said I've been trolling for a minute and you guys seem pretty knowledgeable and level headed even if you are panicked;) jk

03-13-2014, 12:31 AM
Def have anxiety have for years, usually deal wth it pretty well..I got panick attacks from a bad reaction to zoloft and have had them ever since every so often..anyway around thanksgiving I had a bad panick attack completely untriggered in the shower calmed it down thought I was fine they always peak and go away..well around the same time I started getting these bad pressure headaches almost constant for a few months then that went away only to develop into a normal headaches now almost constant..I have health anxiety now because I've had panick attaxks before never brought these symptoms on now I get the facial and scalp tightness with these headaches..but it's been five months now with either those symptoms almost constant..even though I have anxiety and panick attaxks rarely I deal pretty well but these symptoms are constant which naturally gave me health anxiety lol bet u guessed.. I've had cat scan mri blood work different panels for weakness all came back normal now I'm thinking my stress gave me new daily persistent heqdaxhes wtf lol my neurologist says it's anxiety my doctor said it's migraines with tension headaches..does this sound normal I'm not even anxious or really stressed anymore other then the annoying factor of feeling like crap daily I would have thought it would have gone away once the anxiety chills out anyway any good advice would be helpful I don't always trust doctors like I said I've been trolling for a minute and you guys seem pretty knowledgeable and level headed even if you are panicked;) jk

You sound just like me! I had a bad reaction to Zoloft in the past, thought I was going to be committed to a psych ward. Has me scared to this day to try other meds. But I do still suffer from anxiety and panic attacks, I take lexapro daily for years because I was desperate at one point but it has stopped working long ago. When I get a panic attack I use relaxation techniques or distraction til they pass. It sucks.

You may not even realize it but subconsciously you are suffering. It takes a toll on your body. It presents in so many ways: pain, fatigue, headaches, muscle tension, dizziness, trouble concentrating, etc. I have a new symptom every month and every month I am convinced that I'm dying until I see a specialist , get a shitload of tests, and eventually become reassured that I'm okay enough to ignore the Dr's advice. And then starts the next symptom. 😩 So you see what you may not realize is stress/anxiety, your body is seeing it differently. I get tension headaches and migraines too. Went to a neurologist, had a thorough work up and was told that I need to get more sleep, relax, and take hot showers. Also I was given several meds to take which I still have yet to try. If you don't need meds that's great. But if you're still feeling crappy and the docs can't find the reason why, 9/10 it's stress!!! So stop overthinking, start trying to relax and stop searching for new problems. You have plenty of time for that when you're old.

03-13-2014, 12:48 AM
I completely agree with you..it started with a panic attack I've always been able to shake it off just taking longer to shake this off.. I've had so many tests done and it can only be anxiety stress related headaches..and i def think way too much about it lol. I appreciate your advice thank you

03-13-2014, 08:50 AM
Who were you trolling as you naughty boy ;)

Does sound like stress.

03-14-2014, 11:49 PM
Lol I normally just read rather then get involved. Your from London;) interesting.