View Full Version : Major setback. Could use some help.

03-12-2014, 06:35 PM
It's been a while since I posted. I think that I've been trying to convince myself I was fine.

Recently suffered a major setback. I went from having occasional anxiety to full blown panic attacks that are severely debilitating. I have been breaking down and crying because they have gotten so bad. I also feel so alone even though I have an extremely supportive wife.

I am currently on 25mg of Lexapro, started 25mg of Lamictal today and have a script for Xanax that have been the only thing keeping me semi-normal. I don't know what I'm looking for right now. Any words of advice would be extremely appreciated. Thank you.

Niicole Lynne
03-12-2014, 06:46 PM
It's been a while since I posted. I think that I've been trying to convince myself I was fine. Recently suffered a major setback. I went from having occasional anxiety to full blown panic attacks that are severely debilitating. I have been breaking down and crying because they have gotten so bad. I also feel so alone even though I have an extremely supportive wife. I am currently on 25mg of Lexapro, started 25mg of Lamictal today and have a script for Xanax that have been the only thing keeping me semi-normal. I don't know what I'm looking for right now. Any words of advice would be extremely appreciated. Thank you.

All I can say is that I understand
I have always had anxiety and about a month ago I had a breakdown... Felt like I hit rock bottom
I was having panic attacks 24/7 for about a week and I couldn't function. It is not fun and it is very debilitating.

I started reading and learning about distraction techniques, went to a therapist, and got some meds from my doctor. It's been 50/50 for about 3 weeks but I'm trying to keep spirits up

So all I can say is that I'm sure things will start looking up and you aren't alone <3 I found this forum and it has helped me thru dark times

Msg me anytime u need a friend

03-12-2014, 06:50 PM
It's been a while since I posted. I think that I've been trying to convince myself I was fine. Recently suffered a major setback. I went from having occasional anxiety to full blown panic attacks that are severely debilitating. I have been breaking down and crying because they have gotten so bad. I also feel so alone even though I have an extremely supportive wife. I am currently on 25mg of Lexapro, started 25mg of Lamictal today and have a script for Xanax that have been the only thing keeping me semi-normal. I don't know what I'm looking for right now. Any words of advice would be extremely appreciated. Thank you.

Sorry you are having a rough time of it, relapses are awful!

Since you were doing well, I have to ask, has there been any additional stressful situations in your life that may have triggered it? Or maybe some nagging ache or pain?

You are on meds and they will help in the long run. Good decision,

You have a supportive wife , you are a lucky man!

This will only be a temporary set back,many many of us have had them . Dog deep and remember the skills which helped you get better last time .

I wish you nothing but success! You will get through this.


03-12-2014, 06:52 PM
It's been a while since I posted. I think that I've been trying to convince myself I was fine.

Recently suffered a major setback. I went from having occasional anxiety to full blown panic attacks that are severely debilitating. I have been breaking down and crying because they have gotten so bad. I also feel so alone even though I have an extremely supportive wife.

I am currently on 25mg of Lexapro, started 25mg of Lamictal today and have a script for Xanax that have been the only thing keeping me semi-normal. I don't know what I'm looking for right now. Any words of advice would be extremely appreciated. Thank you.

You are just scared. That is all and nothing more

You are afraid because you feel bad and you think it will get worse or wont get better

You dwell on it to a point that it causes a panic attack

Recovering can be as easy or as hard as you chose

Take the meds that you think you need and will work

Stop feeling that this will not stop becasue it does when you make that decision

Work to not react to your thoughts

Count to 5 before you make a decision how to react when a negative triggering thought comes to mind

Make the choice to look at it as anxiety and not what YOU rally feel

That is when it stops

03-12-2014, 06:52 PM
Thank you for your kind words. I really appreciate it. Going through a major attack right now. I am sure I am partly to blame. I stopped eating right, drink energy drinks full of caffeine and stopped exercising. I just don't feel up to it. But right now I'm just laying here in a complete panic. But to know you are not alone no matter how many times you have to be told is priceless.

Niicole Lynne
03-12-2014, 06:59 PM
Thank you for your kind words. I really appreciate it. Going through a major attack right now. I am sure I am partly to blame. I stopped eating right, drink energy drinks full of caffeine and stopped exercising. I just don't feel up to it. But right now I'm just laying here in a complete panic. But to know you are not alone no matter how many times you have to be told is priceless.

I was addicted to pop and coffee drinks
I have given it up because
Whether it's true or not
Everytime I drank it I felt panicky
Just a thought

Niicole Lynne
03-12-2014, 07:00 PM
You are just scared. That is all and nothing more You are afraid because you feel bad and you think it will get worse or wont get better You dwell on it to a point that it causes a panic attack Recovering can be as easy or as hard as you chose Take the meds that you think you need and will work Stop feeling that this will not stop becasue it does when you make that decision Work to not react to your thoughts Count to 5 before you make a decision how to react when a negative triggering thought comes to mind Make the choice to look at it as anxiety and not what YOU rally feel That is when it stops

Nixon thank u for this post
It spoke out loud and clear to me
It has made me think and I keep re reading it

03-12-2014, 07:32 PM
It's been a while since I posted. I think that I've been trying to convince myself I was fine.

Recently suffered a major setback. I went from having occasional anxiety to full blown panic attacks that are severely debilitating. I have been breaking down and crying because they have gotten so bad. I also feel so alone even though I have an extremely supportive wife.

I am currently on 25mg of Lexapro, started 25mg of Lamictal today and have a script for Xanax that have been the only thing keeping me semi-normal. I don't know what I'm looking for right now. Any words of advice would be extremely appreciated. Thank you.

Sent you a PM,..and your medications list in right on target too bruh!!!
A great big hell yes!!!!
I like your Doc, he/she is a good one....

Enduronman.. :)

03-12-2014, 07:51 PM
Thank you all so much for your responses. It is helping me to get through this massive attack. Every response I've read is so helpful. I look forward to getting through this and helping others on the forum out.

03-12-2014, 08:00 PM
I had a huge setback a few weeks ago, and was so disappointed in myself. But - it did make me dig deeper and figure out what was really going on with me (the source of my anxiety). I got a new therapist, went back into an outpatient program for anxiety (helped me feel not alone to hear others' stories), started posting here, changed med dosages, and read a book about trauma that was very helpful. I'm still working on getting back to "myself" (always anxious, but at least happier and more confident), but I'm coming around. Good days and bad days...

Good luck to you! We get it! :)

03-12-2014, 09:11 PM
I think there is a big difference in feeling alone and feeling lonely.

To feel alone is the thoughts and isolating nature and that's it. No one can understand, why am I like this etc.

Loneliness is having no one. You've got a kind loving wife and can't be lonely when someone is right there for you.

Even if she can't quite understand. She would have to walk in your shoes for that.

Recognise the difference and maybe then the things you have can overtake the things you perceive you have not.

I think something a lot of people misunderstand is that alone does not have to mean lonely!

03-13-2014, 04:39 AM
Thank you for your kind words. I really appreciate it. Going through a major attack right now. I am sure I am partly to blame. I stopped eating right, drink energy drinks full of caffeine and stopped exercising. I just don't feel up to it. But right now I'm just laying here in a complete panic. But to know you are not alone no matter how many times you have to be told is priceless.


I hope the attack has loosened it's grip and you are feeling better.

If I may offer a suggestion....you probably know this but sometimes it doesn't hurt to hear it again.

You said it yourself, not eating well, cafeine drinks, stopped exercising.

Try to be kind to your body, the last thing that any of us in this situation need is help stimulating our nervous systems. They do too good a job all by themselves.

Everytime you put something in your mouth ask yourself...am I feeding myself well?

Cut back SLOWLY on the caffeine... To the point that you have very little or none. That includes coffee, sodas and energy drinks. Slowly cause the caffeine withdrawal headache can be viscous!

Get back to exercising. I don't mean hour on end in the gym, unless that is something you love to do. Just get out and walk, try yoga or tai chi, both are soothing to the body and mind.

I wish you better days ahead!! We are all with you on this!