View Full Version : Disturbing thoughts

03-12-2014, 04:42 PM
WHat do you consider to be disturbing thoughts? I don't see any posts about it but it is a symptom of anxiety. I'm sure it's not the most comfortable thing to talk about

03-12-2014, 04:44 PM
Most seem to be based on hurting yourself, hurting your family, horrific accidents and general severe tragedies.

Usually thoughts like that can send one off easily into a panic attack and then the irrational mind gets you to believe that it could be a real possibility

One of the most normal, yet scariest symptoms of anxiety

03-12-2014, 04:46 PM
Lol you don't need to worry at all. Disturbing thoughts could be of harming your family, all the way to hanging yourself or jumping infront of a train. I didn't want to be too graphic, but they don't mean anything. They're just intrusive thoughts, the issue is that when it comes to anxiety sufferers, the mind seems to dwell on these thoughts because it triggers an emotional (anxious/scared) reaction, which essentially feeds your anxiety. Don't make them obsessions, just write them off as intrusive thoughts and try your best to let them flow through your brain just as a pleasant or normal thought would.

03-12-2014, 07:02 PM
I hate these thoughts. I have thoughts about hurting my two year old. I'm always afraid that I'm going to act on them. I'm afraid I'm crazy. Like I have two people in my head :/ I hate it

03-12-2014, 08:04 PM
Wow, to hear you wrote that brings me back. I had a nervous breakdown when I was 21 because I was suffering from anxiety and had very similar thoughts. I was too scared to tell anyone because I was ashamed and thought I would be locked up. You are not alone. I had them until I talked about them and finally got it off my chest. I'm 36 now, do I still get them when my anxiety is through the roof, of course. But that is the mind finding your worst possible fears and trying to make you believe them.

There are is one very important thing to remember. People who think they are crazy are not, because crazy people don't think there is anything wrong with them .

03-13-2014, 01:46 AM
Wow, to hear you wrote that brings me back. I had a nervous breakdown when I was 21 because I was suffering from anxiety and had very similar thoughts. I was too scared to tell anyone because I was ashamed and thought I would be locked up. You are not alone. I had them until I talked about them and finally got it off my chest. I'm 36 now, do I still get them when my anxiety is through the roof, of course. But that is the mind finding your worst possible fears and trying to make you believe them. There are is one very important thing to remember. People who think they are crazy are not, because crazy people don't think there is anything wrong with them . thank you ! It's always nice to know that there is always someone else that went through the same thing, makes me feel less crazy. Thank you for the advice!

03-13-2014, 01:56 AM
Oh wow, and I thought I was the only one who was having thoughts like that! Good to know others have them too.

Anxious Abi
03-13-2014, 02:16 AM
Intrusive thoughts are without a doubt my worst symptom, and as Frankie says there are a lot of people here who suffer from them to varying degree's.
You are not alone with your struggle, it can be extremely hard to overcome once they have taken hold.
There are threads on the forum with other peoples experiences and a little advice, maybe if you put Intrusive thoughts in the search bar you could look at those.
I wish you all the best.

03-13-2014, 07:52 AM
I thought I was the only one... I have thought about hurting loved ones, family pets... you name it. They are not very frequent but definitely leave they're mark. I absolutely hate myself for thinking these things - seeing how I could NEVER act them out.

03-16-2014, 06:44 PM
There are a lot of people here that get intrusive thoughts. You never quite know when this is coming making it feel even more frightening. The last time I drove from my physio as a wall approached at the side of the wall all I could think was drive into that wall now? WTF! I wasn't feeling really sad or dis pairing at the time and it shocked me. Em, one of the members recommends a book called The Imp of the Mind. Maybe you could ask her about it? Like all our symptoms we must try let it come and go.

Any good tips on trying to let these thoughts go? They give me the most anxiety out anything! I hate it!

03-16-2014, 06:57 PM
I hate these thoughts. I have thoughts about hurting my two year old. I'm always afraid that I'm going to act on them. I'm afraid I'm crazy. Like I have two people in my head :/ I hate it

That's exactly how I feel. I always have thoughts I'm going crazy. It's a constant battle in my head, I hate it.

03-16-2014, 06:59 PM
Any good tips on trying to let these thoughts go? They give me the most anxiety out anything! I hate it!

I'd like to know too. Although I don't have very intrusive thoughts I do get my thoughts that come out as negative towards all kinds of things. It's like my mind is creatively seeking negative thoughts about the randomness things.

03-16-2014, 07:05 PM
In my early stages of anxiety I had disturbing thoughts. Thoughts I knew I would and could NEVER act upon. Such as hurting myself and so on. My therapist I had told me that when I think those thoughts and have a panic attack thats a good sign. It shows u wouldnt do such a thing, just your mind playing games with you.
Because it would be different if u didn't care or got a good feeling from the thought

03-16-2014, 07:11 PM
That's exactly how I feel. I always have thoughts I'm going crazy. It's a constant battle in my head, I hate it.

You're not crazy at all. I felt that way too. I struggled with anxiety most of my life. I have just come off medication after being on it for 5 years. The medication really helped and I occasionally get an anxiety attack but with the help of the meds I was on and some therapy it helped me out a lot!

03-17-2014, 11:25 AM
If you share intrusive thoughts like hurting yourself or others with your therapist... Are they mandated to tell other doctors or authorities etc?

03-17-2014, 11:34 AM
If you share intrusive thoughts like hurting yourself or others with your therapist... Are they mandated to tell other doctors or authorities etc?

This is definitely something I always wonder/worry about! Everything else that comes along with anxiety I feel like I can deal with or work on...but this is kind of hard because you know that you're not crazy, but you're also worried that you are, but you can't tell anyone! Grrr!

03-17-2014, 11:56 AM
yes i'm in missouri!

I've never had a terrible problem with intrusive thoughts, but I had one instance like your car example Frankie.

03-17-2014, 12:48 PM
If you share intrusive thoughts like hurting yourself or others with your therapist... Are they mandated to tell other doctors or authorities etc?

Not unless they feel you are a threat to yourself or others. If you're just having the thoughts, but you commit to safety, then they don't have to tell anyone. However, if you have a plan to act on those thoughts, they have to put you inpatient. Just my experience working as a crisis counselor.

03-17-2014, 12:55 PM
This is definitely something I always wonder/worry about! Everything else that comes along with anxiety I feel like I can deal with or work on...but this is kind of hard because you know that you're not crazy, but you're also worried that you are, but you can't tell anyone! Grrr!

I've told both my psych and my therapist about my thoughts and they seem not to be phased by it. My therapist said it's all part of anxiety (the feeling you're going crazy). I guess it's a common symptom. As for suicidal or homicidal ideation, it's the mental health professional's responsibility to come up with a safety plan ONLY if you have a plan to act on those thoughts and you cannot commit to safety.

03-17-2014, 01:09 PM
I get these thoughts too ... If it's really bad the formal name is purely obsessional OCD. I'm still working on dealing with them. CBT has helped a bit. I also have some workbooks. Jesse recommended Brain Lock and I just ordered that one.

03-17-2014, 02:45 PM
I get these thoughts too ... If it's really bad the formal name is purely obsessional OCD. I'm still working on dealing with them. CBT has helped a bit. I also have some workbooks. Jesse recommended Brain Lock and I just ordered that one.

Whats interesting is that, at least for me, these thoughts go away when my anxiety is way down. It's insane what anxiety can do to your brain!!

03-17-2014, 03:05 PM
It's weird, mine usually come when I suppress a panic attack. It's kind of like my nervous energy needs to get out somehow whether it be panic, crying, agitation, disturbing thoughts, etc. If that makes sense?

03-17-2014, 03:35 PM
Oh dam those thoughts,I had them about my children to and they scared the crap out of me to say the least as they are my whole world so I can relate to how your feeling and Questioning yourself over and over again,I'm I going mad etc and trying to find the answers,the thing is it's all anxiety,I went to my doctors and said the thoughts I was having,was I scared? Hell yes,but I know think that time in my life was a crazy shit time and I know it's all the dam anxiety,you see the thoughts your having are the worst thing that could ever happen in your life and anxitey knows this and this why it chooses this to fuel it,it's like your mind saying ok I can no longer give you a panic attack on anxiety so what I'm going to do is put this thought in the mix,it's hard to think it's all because of anxiety but believe me I've been on this road and yes it's the worst,but you know what,you will get better and this thought will
Go I promise you,it maybe hard to think it will
Go right now but it will,as Frankie said the book I've read is called the imp of the mind,it's all about obsessive thoughts and it's such a good book I would highly recommend it :)

03-17-2014, 03:41 PM
Oh dam those thoughts,I had them about my children to and they scared the crap out of me to say the least as they are my whole world so I can relate to how your feeling and Questioning yourself over and over again,I'm I going mad etc and trying to find the answers,the thing is it's all anxiety,I went to my doctors and said the thoughts I was having,was I scared? Hell yes,but I know think that time in my life was a crazy shit time and I know it's all the dam anxiety,you see the thoughts your having are the worst thing that could ever happen in your life and anxitey knows this and this why it chooses this to fuel it,it's like your mind saying ok I can no longer give you a panic attack on anxiety so what I'm going to do is put this thought in the mix,it's hard to think it's all because of anxiety but believe me I've been on this road and yes it's the worst,but you know what,you will get better and this thought will
Go I promise you,it maybe hard to think it will
Go right now but it will,as Frankie said the book I've read is called the imp of the mind,it's all about obsessive thoughts and it's such a good book I would highly recommend it :)

Hey, there she is! :)

I was talking about you yesterday.

You're like the anxiety queen. Full of good book recommendations and Facebook posts!

03-17-2014, 03:42 PM
Hey, there she is! :) I was talking about you yesterday. You're like the anxiety queen. Full of good book recommendations and Facebook posts!

Aww was you lol did you miss me lol

03-17-2014, 04:08 PM
I feel that. Most the time though I'm doing something mundane like washing up the dishes and I'm not panicky but there is a humming nervous energy about me. Like I'm on a simmer! That's when it hits me most. It needs an outlet, the anxiety that is. I'm washing up then I'm thinking I should definitely kill myself. Why do I exist? Etc.

Ya! Same! It's so weird!

03-17-2014, 04:36 PM
Suddenly just writing this it's less disturbing thoughts when you see how many people experience it. The power comes with the silence doesn't it? Hey miss Em, it's lovely to see you :)

Hi ya Frankie :)

03-17-2014, 08:58 PM

I remember talking to a friend about it right away who said hes had the same feelings... so that made me feel not quite as crazy!

03-18-2014, 10:58 AM
frankie- I remember talking to a friend about it right away who said hes had the same feelings... so that made me feel not quite as crazy!

Ya, I shared some of my scary thoughts too, and it did help. It was super scary to do though, and I still get them from time to time. Sucks :/

03-18-2014, 11:35 AM
I also have intrusive thoughts that im going to hurt my children in all ways like murder them ot touch them in ways i shouldnt it is like living with the devil ive had these a while i also had baf past and also been thjrough alot of stress this past year it is hard but it will get easier just let it off ur chest i am and not affarid of talking about my thoughts to people as ive read up on anxitey symptoms and its all normal and ive been to CBT and they are normal i thought somthing was really wrong with me and thought i was loosing my mind , our brains can create lots of werid thought but our self gets panic thats how u no ull never act on them we anit horrible people , try n seek CBT see i do home CBT on my own just google CBT n have a read

03-18-2014, 02:03 PM
I also have intrusive thoughts that im going to hurt my children in all ways like murder them ot touch them in ways i shouldnt it is like living with the devil ive had these a while i also had baf past and also been thjrough alot of stress this past year it is hard but it will get easier just let it off ur chest i am and not affarid of talking about my thoughts to people as ive read up on anxitey symptoms and its all normal and ive been to CBT and they are normal i thought somthing was really wrong with me and thought i was loosing my mind , our brains can create lots of werid thought but our self gets panic thats how u no ull never act on them we anit horrible people , try n seek CBT see i do home CBT on my own just google CBT n have a read that made me feel better, thank you. You've come very far to not be afraid of saying what's going on in your head, congrats!

03-18-2014, 02:08 PM
Why should be be afraid hun we are all still normal there isnt enough help out there and speaking out loud may one day bring the help all us need u kerp being positive hunni cxx