View Full Version : Worry worry worry

03-12-2014, 02:44 PM
Have been suffering from anxiety for some time now, it's kind of taken over my life. I find myself worrying about what might be, not what was or what is but stuff that haven't even happened yet, and probably won't. I have been taking sertraline 50mg for about six months. I am always so negative, I get a sinking feeling in my stomach and no matter what I do I just cannot snap out of it. I find it difficult explaining my feelings because It seems silly to be fearful,of nothing. That is just it, I fear but. I don't know what I am fearing. I am 61 years old and working full time. I spend most of my time worrying.

03-12-2014, 02:52 PM
Speak to your doctor about increasing the doseage perhaps? Look into CBT as medication is always best paired with therapy. Also exercise such as yoga or jogging as they're both free to do. Plenty of yoga videos online. Also meditation can help calm the interior monologue of worry you have and help you feel like your old self again. Hobbies too? Keep the mind active so you don't give yourself too much time to dedicate to worries.


03-12-2014, 02:58 PM
Speak to your doctor about increasing the doseage perhaps? Look into CBT as medication is always best paired with therapy. Also exercise such as yoga or jogging as they're both free to do. Plenty of yoga videos online. Also meditation can help calm the interior monologue of worry you have and help you feel like your old self again. Hobbies too? Keep the mind active so you don't give yourself too much time to dedicate to worries. Edthank you for your advice.

03-12-2014, 03:18 PM
If I were in your shoes, I'd follow Eds advice :)

03-12-2014, 03:59 PM
Yes, I intend to thank you

03-12-2014, 04:16 PM
Try one thing at a time. New routines can bring a breath of fresh air to your day to day but if you take on too much at once you can often wind up doing things half arsed so to speak. Another good thing to lkook at is diet as well. A lot of us will comfort eat i'm sure, especially when we're feeling rubbish but healthy eating and cuttiong down on processed foods, sugars and caffeine is also very helpful in the long run. I'd look up mindfulness meditation as well. You can easily acquire audio tracks for this online. Torrents if you wish but i'm sure Youtube or some such will have them as well.

Youtube certainly has a great many yoga regimes on there. Some of them lasting an hour or more which is perfect for getting you into a new hobby and a healthier lifestyle. Also just going for a simple walk every day is a good way to relieve stress. But just remember to keep your mind as active as you can with positive tasks. I know worrying day in day out becomes a lifestyle. It's not oine that we want but we spend so long in this worrying and re-active state that our mind and body is on edge constantly.

Upping the doseage for your medication certainly might help with pushing you back to normality. But it won't physically cure the anxiety for you. That's down to the individual and it will take time, but medication will make things easier on the road to recovery. If you're based in UK you can get CBT therapy on the NHS so it's worth speaking to your Dr about.
