View Full Version : Take part in my illustration project

03-12-2014, 06:09 AM
Hi everyone! I'm hoping a few of you would be willing to provide answers to a questionnaire I've made. I'm writing and illustrating a poetry book about anxiety and would truly appreciate your input! Here are the questions:

1. If anxiety was a visible thing/ object, what would it look like? (be as metaphorical as you wish!)

2. If you could speak to your anxiety, would would you say/ask?

3. If your anxiety were a noise, what would it sound like?

4. What was the last brave thing you did?

Thankyou so much!

03-12-2014, 08:21 AM
1. A vampire; for the way it just drains you, but in an emotional and physical way and how it really comes alive at night.. Or a vampire isn't really a thing/object, is it? Er, then I guess I would say quick sand/mud, for how it can pull you under and it's so hard to escape, and when you move (fight it) it pulls you under even more.

2. "Howdedo?"

3. A black metal singer that is constantly screaming. It makes no sense and the noise is harsh, but it certainly sounds unhappy.

4. The latest was yesterday evening; I went without calling my family (parents) when they went out for many hours yesterday. I know that is small, but it made me feel good to not check in every ten minutes.

Your welcome, Ibson.. Good luck on your project! :)

03-12-2014, 05:10 PM
1. If anxiety was a visible thing/ object, what would it look like? (be as metaphorical as you wish!)

2. If you could speak to your anxiety, would would you say/ask?

3. If your anxiety were a noise, what would it sound like?

4. What was the last brave thing you did?

1. I always picture anxiety and depression and a fog that sometimes overclouds/overcomes you and sometimes is just creeping right behind you, waiting to engulf.

2. why are you here?? what do you want??

3. I think this could go one of two ways. When I am full of anxiety symptoms, anxiety is screams. When I am doing well (even though anxiety is never cured), anxiety is a small whisper still lurking around corners, waiting for a insecure chance to speak loudly again.

4. I have been having interview after interview! I am traveling 6 hours to Chicago this weekend. Even with the set backs, the list goes on!