View Full Version : Finding life hard :(

03-12-2014, 05:17 AM
Recently I've just kind of hit a flat spot. I'm in a long distance relationship and we visit each other every 3-4weeks. When I'm with him my anxiety practically disappears. I just came home again and it's been awful, it seems to get harder everytime I come home because I know I'll be coming back to anxiety and panic attacks. I can't move out there until I'm done with college in a year. I just can't seem to shake this depressive mood since I'm back. It's extremely difficult to go from being that happy to being this miserable and I feel like I've sort of burnt out and gone flat. I don't have any motivation and I just want to be back with him 24/7.

Does anyone have any advice for me? Could really use it.

03-12-2014, 05:37 AM
Hi Kelsey!

Well I'm glad that you have someone you care so deeply for and sorry that he is so far away.

I understand that flat feeling all too well! There are days when my husband goes to work (we often work opposite shifts) and I miss him so much that I get that blah feeling, it only gets better when he gets home. And the anxiety acts up too because I am feeling vulnerable.

You said this is going to continue for another year while you are in school. Look at it this way....in the grand scheme of things a year isn't that long. Although it may feel like an eternity!

Focus your attention on doing really really well in school when you are apart. Take comfort in the fact that you do see him periodically, and those times are magical.

Hang in there, it is going to be alright! And the next thing you know the year will be POOF! Over!

Cheers !

03-12-2014, 05:48 AM
Love your signature line!

Learn to live by it Kelsey...time flys...

Hopes for a better day friend!!

Enduronman :)