View Full Version : Setback

03-12-2014, 02:41 AM
As done of you no, I've recently hit a snag after feeling much better for 2 weeks, I've been on citalopram as you no and had bad and good times on it, the amount of times me and my doc have arranged to change to sertraline and then I've felt better, so I finally decided to change and I was put down to 10mg lowest dose for two weeks and change after that but after 2 weeks on that dose I felt a lot better and the anxious thought I had was gone so the therapist who I done cbt with decided I didn't need more sessions and I was happy with that because I was at a place where I was happy and back to myself and cope with the thought and I wouldn't make me anxious, but caught a sickness bug last Wednesday which only lasted one day seem to trigger of anxiety again and I can't get the thought out my mind that one day life is going to end and that the yesterday has gone and been wasted, what the problem is I've always had the thought of end of life one day but I've brushed it aside and manage to get on with my life and just think that life is forever.. Advice? Tips please?

03-12-2014, 03:09 AM
You have to understand that the road to recovery is never a straight line from A-Z...there are a lot of stops along the way, some of which are progression and some of which are set backs. This is normal and part of the healing process. I'm talking from experience - my wish of course is to be ill, then to be better. But that's just not the way it goes.

I have been anxiety free for well over four years now, and just last week had a set-back following a bout of the flu. I'm doing my best to see it as just one of those things, but it's hard of course. Reach out for help from those around you and allow yourself to feel however you feel.

03-12-2014, 03:15 AM
Thanks taffy what's bringing the anxiety on is just not accepting the fact that life goes on and it's over one day, just accepting it my anxiety that causing the thoughts as they have never crossed my mind this strongly before