View Full Version : I know I'm crazy.

03-11-2014, 11:40 PM
So it starts off, I wake up and get the kids off to school. After that I'm home and it's time to eat because I'm hungry and I'm afraid to get too hungry because I'm convinced I might have low blood pressure/low blood sugar so I juice fresh veggies and fruits because I'm afraid of unhealthy food because I'm afraid I have high blood pressure and a heart condition (makes no sense huh cuz I also think I have low blood pressure) and I don't want to eat anything to aggravate my Crohn's disease. So I drink the juice and my body is loaded with energy and my sugar goes up and now I'm afraid I have Diabeties......so then the energy wears off and I think it's crashing to low and I need to snack. So i panic about what I will snack, a seriously hard and panicky choice as I stand there thinking of what everything each food could possibly cause me to "feel" so then I resort to lets say peanut butter on crackers.....uh oh...I feel sick....am I allergic to nuts????? I think that even though I know I'm not allergic to nuts. Panic attack again. Ok calm down it's time for me to hit the gym because I'm trying to protect myself from the heart disease and stomach cancer I think I have. Well here I am working out and I have a panic attack.....why? Well because I'm afraid I'm over working my heart and gonna have a heart attack because I believe I have heart disease.....................I KNOW HOW CRAZY I AM AND HOW BAD IT SOUNDS!!!! So why can't I stop it?*Has anyone ever escaped this thought process?

03-12-2014, 12:29 AM
Oh no:/ you've got quite the cycle going on. Yes you can stop it. Once you come to one realization don't allow yourself to get it again. you know you don't have blood pressure problems. Completely drop it from your thinking. Its hard, but once the thought comes Into your mind...ignore it. And keep doing that until all the obsessive thoughts don't stick anymore. And stop the behaviors that make you obsess, mine used to be avoidance behaviors... good luck. You aren't crazy,,and its normal for us anxiety sufferers.

03-12-2014, 06:01 AM
***I KNOW HOW CRAZY I AM AND HOW BAD IT SOUNDS!!!! So why can't I stop it?*Has anyone ever escaped this thought process?***

Through CBT and with the use of the right medications...

Have a great day new friend!!...

Enduronman.. :)