View Full Version : similar symptoms?

03-11-2014, 11:00 PM
im 24 years old. Suffer from anxiety since my teen years. My dad has MS and I've been freaking out w some symptoms i have constantly afraid I might have it too.
When I was 17 i had a bad episode of throbbing excruciating pain on the lower back of my head, fogginess, detachment and a few panic attacks. spent a week at the hospital but doctors didn't know what I had. Pain went away but most other symptoms stayed.
Last year I started getting really bad anxiety again, and still have these symptoms:
-muscle twitching,
-waking up with numb fingers that went away when I moved them
-stiff muscles, overall weakness
-weird feeling on my chin/ lower lip. (i feel kind of a phantom feeling whenever i touch my chin, like, i touch it once with a pen and feel it right below as well, can't really explain, like touch it once and feel it in a different spot on the chin also).
-sometimes i see different shades of colors from each eye, like if there was a filter on one of them, one eye sees more blueish tones, the other more reddish tones for example. It happens mostly when lying down.

Went to doctor, got blood tests done, mri, different neurological tests, etc.. Nothing seems to be wrong. Doctor says I don't have MS, but I keep thinking about it 24/7. afraid that either they missed it or they can't see it yet on the mri. I can't sleep properly at night.

Does anyone have these symptoms? If so, for how long? Could really use some advice


03-12-2014, 05:07 PM
Hi and welcome Anxious! Aren't we all....
I just had all the same tests done and got an all clear so stop sweating this, you're ok friend!

Have a great day!

E-Man... :)

03-12-2014, 05:08 PM

03-12-2014, 05:16 PM
:rolleyes: LOL!!

03-12-2014, 06:38 PM
Thanks so much for the help. It's so hard to deal with all this.. it's nice knowing there's other people out there going through similar situations