View Full Version : Need advice how to deal with health anxiety?

03-11-2014, 10:17 PM
I have extreme health anxiety. I really flared out when I was 16 years old. I lost a good friend to cancer. On top of that I was already extremely fearful and paranoid due to I was raped when I was 8. So I guess in simple I was set up for sever anxiety. However the biggest anxiety trigger is my health anxiety. My mind is deathly scared of prion disease. It started of with H.I.V, then cancer then heart attacks. Then my rape came back to mind. I oddly enough remember everything for the 24 hour before it happened. Then it poped in my head, Of a something I saw on the news show 60 seconds. Mad Cow disease. There is where a 10 plus year fear began. I obsesses over it, My mind always convincing me I am dying. It's never ending. Any time a name slips from my mind... dying or my symptoms of anxiety such as my tingling and shakiness Imma dying. It's odd even more I know why i'm scared and can clearly explain it. However I'm still freaking out. Honestly I'm about to lose my mind due to this. I lost my job been on SSI. Can't find a job and have been trying. As well going back to school and trying to raise my daughter. Plus I'm tired of taking xanax every day. I really need some advice on this fear.

03-11-2014, 10:24 PM
I really wish I could be more helpful .I am having this same issue myself but with a different disease I am convincing myself I have. If it helps I do find keeping physcially active helps and forcing myself to do something even like press ups when an attack hits me. I also find stroking my pet cat seems to help.