View Full Version : Re: New here and really need some help. I'm just broken.

03-11-2014, 10:17 PM
Hey guys. I have been having some anxiety issues lately and they seem to be getting worse. I was at the doctors again today to check out some new symptoms. I have been feeling a bit numb, not so much numb but at times my left leg feels like it isn't attached to my body. It still keeps all it's strength but just feels weird. I tend to really focus on it as well and what could be causing it and freak out. Tonight I keep thinking i might be bleeding internally and was scared I was going to pass out and die. Now this fear comes from having acid reflux for the last couple of months roughly, and my doctor today examined my stomach and said that i was fine. No hint of anything abnormal at all. she thinks everything is related to stress. This would be reassuring or should be, but I was a bit freaked because the doctor I saw today was quite old and for some reason I was scared she may not be 100%. She said my numbness wasnt coming from bleeding as I had passed no blood either vomit or otherwise. I then started to fear as I train so much with heavy weights that it may be a disk herniation and I may have nerve damage. Although I still have full strength and no pain so this is unlikely in fairness. I had been feeling tightness in my throat for the last few weeks off and on and the doctor said this was also from anxiety as it was sue to muscle tension. I am trying my best to believe I am ok but i just wanted to come on here and vent a little and maybe get some advice. I was asked today if I wanted meds for my anxiety but I said I'd rather not. The doctor felt they would only slow me down and I'd be better without them. I am just really sick of getting so scared like this. I was fine for the last 3 years with no real anxiety issues except the odd few hours of panic here and there related to something and I want to get back to that. To add to my description, I am 24 years old with a very healthy medical history and my family history is also clean of everything. One doctor when this started with my acid reflux said that if it keeps up I may need a scope to see whats up. This freaked me out as I keep going through worst case scenarios in my head since then. The old doctor today told me since I haven't lost weight ( actually I have put on some more muscle mass) and am only 24 an endoscopy is unnecessary and will only make me more anxious as I would have to wait for it for a while. I have no doubt she is right on a logical and scientific basis but my main fear is that I have cancer or something else dangerous. I know from my own studies that the chances of someone my age developing a cancer related to GORD are beyond miniscule but it scares me none the less. I was doing really well up until the end of last week too. I had pulled most of the way out of my problem then all of a sudden straight back down worse than ever. Right now as I type the left side of my head feels a bit numb, not actually numb but tingly I suppose and my legs feel oddly far away if that makes sense. I even woke up today with the back of my throat feeling cold and numb. My doctor wasnt at all worried and said it was stress and when she looked at my throat it was fine. Anyway sorry for the long post. If anyone could please help me get my head back on straight I would be delighted. Thanks for reading this anyway.

03-12-2014, 03:15 AM
Hey, in my personal experience, when in a period of panic or anxiety, all I can do is listen to the opinions and advice of those around me - those who are thinking straight and aren't emotionally wired.

In your case, I would say that the docs seem to know what's what and you have to remember, they are trained professionals who would definitely know when something is seriously wrong. Your brain is almost certainly playing tricks on you - catastrophising every situation to its worst possible outcome - we can definitely all relate.

03-12-2014, 04:49 AM
Hi there,

First and foremost Welcome!

You seem to have your head screwed on right! And that's a great place to start. You have addressed the medical concerns and have a clean bill of health, except for that annoying acid reflux. Have you tried any meds for the acid reflux? I take nexium and it really helps with that burning, gnawing feeling in the belly.

As far as the leg tingles and weird feelings, it could be possible with your weight training you have some inflamation in your back causing a nerve to be slightly irritated. Maybe scale back the weights for a bit and replace with some cardio. As you probably know that's a great way to release endorphins and relieve stress. Some ice or heat could also soothe the situation.

I have lived with back issues for some time now, and know that tingling sensation. Usually means for me that I have over done it and if I don't pay attention it will reward me with some serious pain!

Anyway I hope this helps a little.

Wishing you all the best on your journey.
Cheers! :)

03-12-2014, 05:33 AM
No where in that post do I see any mention of any medications, unless I've missed something, and I've read it twice, but it is very early and I just woke up...

Welcome to the forums..

Have a great day new friend!

Enduronman... :)