View Full Version : Teaching

03-11-2014, 08:50 PM
Anyone else in the teaching field? I'm a first-year, 4th grade teacher (started midyear in January), and I'm SO stressed... having heart palpitations and stomach flu-like symptoms on a regular basis.

I've got one student in particular who gets violent and verbally abusive... he has threatened physical harm to me more than once and has been suspended more times than I can remember in the past few months. He screams and punches/kicks/destroys objects. He bullies classmates and insults me constantly. Today, the principal finally told me he wants to send him to an alternative school, but needs me to continue reporting his behavior so there's a paper trail (he's new to our district). Every day is a struggle just to get the attention of the rest of the class, let alone teach.

I feel physically ill every morning and have a hard time getting through the day. I've been coping by overeating and spending all my free time sitting on the couch doing nothing, just exhausted...

Any ideas on how to deal with this? Is teaching a horrible profession for someone prone to anxiety? Not sure if I need to switch schools/grades/professions, or just hope for a less intense group of students next year...

03-11-2014, 08:53 PM
I taught kindergarten and elementary for two years! It's a tough environment in general. Once I developed more hardcore anxiety, it got worse.

I wish I had encouraging words for you but...I changed fields. I'm in law school now and the whole stress of "performing" in front of so many people is gone.

Does teaching make you truly happy? I eventually realized I wanted to do different things. If you truly want to keep teaching, CBT could be a god-send for you. Otherwise, consider moving to a profession where you don't have to stand up and "perform" in front of people! There are...a lot.

03-11-2014, 09:01 PM
I'm sorry to hear. I used to be a preschool teacher for years but when my anxiety started to get bad, I quit and found an easier paced job.

Trying a CBT or meditation would help out I think :)

03-11-2014, 09:33 PM
I am student teaching for secondary english right now. While some days it is stressful, I think it is ultimately rewarding and fulfilling/ and after you overcome these problems teaching is really great for feeling like you made a difference. keep your paper trail, use some empathy (what is going on in his home that causes him to act this way?), and obviously the principal is on your side which is good! Take needed time for yourself, and maybe speak to a doctor about some medication or therapy that could help ease you away from the madness of this student!

03-11-2014, 10:19 PM
Yay, fellow teachers! Thanks, you guys... :)

I'm seriously reconsidering this job. But it does feel fulfilling in many ways... and I do love working with most of the students...

I used to be on meds, but stopped taking them (except Xanax occasionally for heart palpitations) and have had good results with vitamins/supplements/healthy eating. Therapy does sound like a good idea...!

03-12-2014, 12:01 PM
Glad you're open to new ideas like therapy! With that mindset you'll be feeling better in no time.

03-12-2014, 12:40 PM
I know how you feel. I am a primary teacher. Currently teaching gr. 2/3. It is a lot to manage at times.

I get through it by enjoying the little things. I don't take on too many extra curriculars but I try and do a bit if stuff that I enjoy doing and enjoy seeing the kids do.

I have a really supportive staff. A few know I have an anxiety disorder but most don't. It's just a small school with a small staff that feels like family which makes a huge difference. I always feel like I can count in people.

I've considered getting into a different profession a few times but I can't think of anything else I would like to do so I'm just going one day at a time right now! I've worked a lot with different counsellors to manage stress in my job. At the end of the day you can only do so much for the kids and have to leave the job at school or you will exhaust yourself.

Good luck with everything.

03-12-2014, 05:19 PM
I know how you feel. I am a primary teacher. Currently teaching gr. 2/3. It is a lot to manage at times.

I get through it by enjoying the little things. I don't take on too many extra curriculars but I try and do a bit if stuff that I enjoy doing and enjoy seeing the kids do.

I have a really supportive staff. A few know I have an anxiety disorder but most don't. It's just a small school with a small staff that feels like family which makes a huge difference. I always feel like I can count in people.

I've considered getting into a different profession a few times but I can't think of anything else I would like to do so I'm just going one day at a time right now! I've worked a lot with different counsellors to manage stress in my job. At the end of the day you can only do so much for the kids and have to leave the job at school or you will exhaust yourself.

Good luck with everything.
Thank you!! Reading your post makes me a bit more hopeful... I love the little things that you experience when teaching, and was thinking today about what job I could do instead... it's hard to imagine doing anything else. Today we dissected owl pellets, and it was awesome to see the kids doing something they've never experienced before. It IS hard to leave the issues at school and not take stress home...

Think I'll definitely look into counseling. Hadn't even thought about that as an option, but it would be so great to have someone to vent to other than my boyfriend/coworkers (sure they're tired of me complaining, lol)...