View Full Version : Anxiety...

03-11-2014, 06:12 PM
Today i woke up and felt like my breathing was shallow i feel dizzy sensation along my body like my whole body is dizzy too i had a headache for the past two days it goes and comes and i look at the wall and i feel like its coming towards me and moving and my vision is seeing a bunch of scattering spots does anyone else have this some days ?

03-11-2014, 06:14 PM
Yes I do and it's normal with anxiety. I wake up feeling like that and have no idea why. It could be something trivial or maybe you had a bad dream and it sent your body into fight or flight mode? A bad dream is normally what causes mine.

Hope you feel better


03-12-2014, 06:11 AM
Yep, what you're describing is exactly what I have sometimes, it's just anxiety. You have to just get on with it and try ignore it & it will go on it's own.