View Full Version : Disease, heart attack or just anxiety? Really scared

03-11-2014, 06:08 PM
So, about 3 weeks ago (beginning of February) I started having dull pains in my chest every day or every other day then one night my heart just started racing really hard and fast and I was sweating and everything I did to calm myself down wasn't working.. It lasted for about 30 minutes to a little over an hour and for the next week I couldn't stand for 2 minutes without getting lightheaded or dizzy so i was stuck in my bed for a week.. and I could barely breath... After the week I was feeling a bit better so I could get up and walk around without getting so dizzy but I was still a bit dizzy... I also caught a cold about 4-5 days after because I had a window open for fresh air... I went to the doctors and I had a panic attack (was also having slight panic attacks before too ( after the heart beating hard.) Got prescribed clonazepam 0.5 twice a day but was scared to take to take them because I thought it would do damage to my body... Ended up one night not being to feel anything, I could barely breath and was lightheaded so my mom rushed me to the hospital.. I got the test where they stick the things on your chest and arms and that came back fine... Also got a blood and urine test done but haven't gotten the results back yet sadly (been a week) I ended up taking the clonazepam and I felt better than I did in weeks but after a couple days I started having pain in my chest top left of my back near the heart and in my head crown and forehead.. I also feel kind of tired and lightheaded and kinda weak even tho I can pick stuff that's decently heavy up no problem. I have also had an ingrown toenail for a while now... Since Canadian Thanksgiving can you get blood poisioning from that? Idk I'm just really scared that that I'm going to die young (16) Please help ASAP and sorry lack of info I tried to make a thread and it screwed up....

03-11-2014, 06:13 PM
hi. i had exactly the same at the age of 17 had a blood and urine test too and they came back fine , 3 years later im still the same i get a dull or sharp pain everyday and night x

03-11-2014, 06:17 PM
I have suffered from health anxiety now since I was about your age. Every day is panic and chaos. Keeping a writing journal helps a lot or make a blog. But coming here as I just joined you will see a bunch of people suffer from health anxiety. I wont name the things I'm scared of because Then you may look them up and that's not healthy at all. One don't Google anything... AVOID THE GOOGLE.

03-11-2014, 06:18 PM
I really honestly believe you ate just having anxiety, you don't have to be outwardly nervous to have anxiety symptom.the medicine you prescribed will not affect your heart, I have documented fast heart rates and other crap and it only makes things better for me. Try it. And you'll be surprised how you feel.the longer your in bed...the harder your heart has to work to do normal things. Keep doing your normal routine, you will be okay. Make sure they rule out heart causes. And when they do. Beleive them

03-11-2014, 06:18 PM
yeah avoid google

03-11-2014, 06:29 PM
It sucks so bad... I have done something like a journal... I've been looking at these kinds of forums for a couple days to a week now and i see a lot of people have the same kind of thing...I try to avoid Google but its hard when your home alone most of the time and panicking with no one to talk too :/

03-11-2014, 06:33 PM
Talk to us!! Use this forum as your Google.use the search tool! Search your symptoms, and please try your medicine. If it makes you feel better sit in the er parking lot while you take it, if you don't die. Go home and relax;) you are so young. Enjoy this time!!!! Please don't stress, you are okay!!

03-11-2014, 06:33 PM
FInd people to talk to. I'm pretty sure myself and othefr will talk to you avoid google.

03-11-2014, 06:34 PM
I want to believe its just anxiety.. As soon as I get the results back it will make me a lot more relaxed... Thing is my normal routine is just staying at home because I'm doing online courses for school... I have been trying to document my symptoms it just doesn't seem normal because this is the first time something like this has happened to me..

03-11-2014, 06:35 PM
Oh and by the way, I cried and cried because I thought I was alone. Well apparently I've got this family of people who care. And that's all I need. Its hard for others to understand this. Just keep looking forward.

03-11-2014, 06:37 PM
Don't have many ppl to talk too but if I ever feel panicky I'll come here... Try for the replies... Really helps

03-11-2014, 06:39 PM
Of course, just come here!!and take your meds!! At least once, it will help you validate weather it's anxiety or not. And I'm sure you are dying to know,

03-11-2014, 06:39 PM
I know I've been crying a lot more recently but I know I have people who care for me... My mom actually said she went thru the same thing when when was younger..

03-11-2014, 06:40 PM
I have been taking medication for a couple days now.. Think my body just needs to get used to it? Edit : as soon as I get the results back and they say I'm okay I'm going to feel a bit better :/ mentally that is..

03-11-2014, 06:42 PM
I have been taking medication for a couple days now.. Think my body just needs to get used to it?

Yes your body certainly does need time to get used to it!

03-11-2014, 06:46 PM
Oh and one more thing does anyone take sertaline or how it is compared to clonazepam?

03-11-2014, 06:52 PM
Are they safe to take together?

03-11-2014, 07:02 PM
Yes I've been told to take the clonazepam twice a day for a week and then the sertraline once a day for 1 week than 2 capsules once daily.. Is it OK to mix the sertraline with a fluid? Because its hard for me to take pills (physically not mentally)

03-11-2014, 07:16 PM
Water in a shot glass.. Yep.. Actually in 2 weeks time. I will. And I really hope that's true :/ Thank you for the replies again I aappreciate it.