View Full Version : Heart palps - No sleep :(

03-11-2014, 01:49 PM
Heeey guys!

So, I'm getting heart palps constantly. I can't sleep because of them. Any tips on how to get rid of them for the moment? Someone told me to hold my breath and just "press", as if I'm taking a sh*t lol.

Idk why I'm having these heart palps. It's nothing wrong with me, did an EKG. I know it's related to stress, but I don't feel as if I'm stressed or worried. I do feel tho that I have to move all the time and I do "shake" alot, like fast reactions. My heartrate does speed up also.

I don't fear it and I'm not panicking or anything. Just asking if theres anything I can do to make it better, cause really I can barely sleep 6 hours.

03-11-2014, 03:37 PM
Honestly, the less I worried about them The less I got them. One day I had them all day...and turned out my potassium was low, they aren't gonna hurt you... people get them thousands of times per day and still means nothing. Just frustrating. Good luck. Don't lay on your left side..heard that helps

03-11-2014, 03:40 PM
Heeey guys! So, I'm getting heart palps constantly. I can't sleep because of them. Any tips on how to get rid of them for the moment? Someone told me to hold my breath and just "press", as if I'm taking a sh*t lol. Idk why I'm having these heart palps. It's nothing wrong with me, did an EKG. I know it's related to stress, but I don't feel as if I'm stressed or worried. I do feel tho that I have to move all the time and I do "shake" alot, like fast reactions. My heartrate does speed up also. I don't fear it and I'm not panicking or anything. Just asking if theres anything I can do to make it better, cause really I can barely sleep 6 hours.

Just breathe normal with your stomach rising and falling

Not deep breaths. Normal ones

That should fix you up

03-11-2014, 03:58 PM
Heeey guys!

So, I'm getting heart palps constantly. I can't sleep because of them. Any tips on how to get rid of them for the moment? Someone told me to hold my breath and just "press", as if I'm taking a sh*t lol.

Idk why I'm having these heart palps. It's nothing wrong with me, did an EKG. I know it's related to stress, but I don't feel as if I'm stressed or worried. I do feel tho that I have to move all the time and I do "shake" alot, like fast reactions. My heartrate does speed up also.

I don't fear it and I'm not panicking or anything. Just asking if theres anything I can do to make it better, cause really I can barely sleep 6 hours.

stop being having fear man.if hearts want to pump let it pump.

03-11-2014, 08:36 PM
You're probably having heart palpitations from long-term stress. They can seem to happen at random when you're feeling fine, but your body has already been worn down over the days/weeks/months.

I agree with ab123 about electrolytes -- stress wears down your body's supply of nutrients, and electrolyte imbalances can cause palpitations. You might want to take a multivitamin just in case. Magnesium gets depleted when you're stressed, and it helps to relax you/lessen anxiety, so you may want to consider supplementing.

To help with sleep, I'd suggest exercise (if the rapid heartbeat doesn't bother you) and magnesium (puts you to sleep!). You can also take a benzo like Xanax to physically stop the palpitations. Personally, I have tried for a long time to deal with heart palpitations without meds, and found that the rapid heartbeat just went on and on and on. Xanax was life-changing.