View Full Version : Urrggghhh ere it goes again!

03-11-2014, 12:42 PM
Last night i had a sore throat and runny nose woke up feeling the same way :(

Now i'm thinkin ive got a infection like blood poisonin from the operation i had a week ago even though ive been taking doxycycline antibiotics since the day after and have only just had the last tablet.


03-11-2014, 12:45 PM
If you had an infection, it would have come out before now

How many colds have you had and not even thought anything bad because you didn't have surgery the week before

You can let this one go.

Just don't type to close to the computer

Don't want to catch a cold

03-11-2014, 12:48 PM
Lol i know its so bloody irrational i dont have a fever or anything just a runny nose and sore throat (which could be cuz of the antibiotics) an i know this

But NO ugly anxiety wants to rear its ugly head and try make me think ive got septecemia damn thing.

03-11-2014, 01:06 PM

No, it isn't blood poisoning dear..cmon!!! and you don't have septecmia mania either and you know it!!!
It's just...anxiety dear....making you think all this crazy (rare and irrational) crap...
I'm here if you need me!!...or on facebook...chat there seems abit simpler.
If you dont have a facebook, then start one just for us anxiety forum members that you like and trust!!! maybe that's 10 or 12 people!!!
Cmon,..that may help you to continue your stability too friend.....I am Chip Eads on there

Thinking of you..

Enduronman... :)

03-11-2014, 01:21 PM
I'll make one now e-man :)

03-11-2014, 01:41 PM
Good!!! It's easy, and we can chat there, and post stupid funny pictures, and you'll have other friends from here too dear... :)
Still proud of you regardless of this minor setback of today....
Now, go down there and see if you can help our new friend James with his health anxiety...makes you feel better!!

Enduronman :)

03-11-2014, 01:48 PM
I'll make one now e-man :)

I gotcha!!! Now, you just gotta learn how to use it!!!...LOL!!!
I'm on chat over there,,,...look at the bottom right and you'll see a little box with me in it...
or at the top, an incoming message...
Great job Dweeebbberrr!!!

E-Man.. :)