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03-11-2014, 12:30 PM
hi my real name is james I'm 28 I'm new to this forum, and would like to no if anyone has felt the same I do now, I'm currently on the slow road to recovery from a breakdown last June, The last 3 weeks have been great and been feeling the best I've ever felt which surprised me because I weaned down to 10 mg of citlapram after agreeing to change ad because of the number of relapses due to a thought I can say I'm now over, been on this dose for I say 2 weeks feeling back to myself again happy ect, then BANG another blip as I call it as I recovered from a sickness bug and back to myself all of a sudden the word cancer hit me which cause me to worry again and have panic attacks this has now led to the my thoughts and can't stop thinking about my mortality bit extreme I know, I know these thoughts are stupid and embarrassing because there's nothing you can do about mortality in old age sorry for the long essay
But can anyone relate to this post or give any tips or advice thanks James

03-11-2014, 12:42 PM
Just want to add im a genuine anxiety sufferer .

03-11-2014, 01:00 PM
Well you got yourself a case of health anxiety

Usually with that, once you feel good about one, another pops up as you say, and now you fear that

It doesn't matter what the concern you have is because if you go to 10 doctors and all say you don't have cancer and you feel reassured, the next twinge or ping you have with your body can set you off on yet another pursuit to be reassured

It just doesn't stop until you address the root of the matter. ANXIETY

Understanding that your brain is just a bit different than most.

You react physically and emotionally to thoughts that the "normal" folks just blow off

We are wired different so we need to make the effort to realize that those thoughts are caused by our anxiety and not what you really believe if you weren't feeling so anxious

It just blows. But that is how you need to address it regardless of the way you go about getting your mind in the right track

And welcome here by the way

Glad you came looking for some help. Lots of it here

03-11-2014, 01:01 PM
Welcome to you James, my name is Chris...
Yes, there are many people here that suffer from the same symptoms as you do bruh...
And, I can empathize with you about the panic attacks part but not the health anxiety part..some others can though as they suffer with this too (or have)...
Hopefully this is just a minor setback, speedbump, that you can get over and get back to where you were 3 weeks ago...

Try to make this a great day new friend!!

We're here if you need us man...

Enduronman... :)

03-11-2014, 01:11 PM
West Ham, my local team. No wonder you have anxiety when you support a team that hasn't played a striker for most of the season ;)

03-11-2014, 01:12 PM
Yes this all sounds really familiar. Like you said, it is just a blip. Don't let it affect your recovery… just tell yourself.. okay I'm feeling a bit panicky but its okay because i am half way to my recovery!! I too am getting better but do still have the intrusive thoughts… I know it's hard but I just try and ignore them!

03-11-2014, 01:26 PM
First of all I would like to thank everyone for there replies and support

Basically It's just the thought of not living anymore scares me I feel so silly but I no it's down to my anxiety, I mean before these thoughts I thought about the not existing no more and brushed it of as it would never happen to me, but as it's entered my head the last thew days it's been making me think and anxious , yes I understand life, your born , you get old. I just hope it's the anxiety that's making me obsessed and not accept there's and end to it, I agree that my life has changed from being single for 6 years living with parents living in my bedroom and occasionally going out clubbing, spending money holidays with friends I've met a girl who I have been with for 8 months and we are planning on living together end of year, after I pay off my medical loan of in 5 months