View Full Version : How has anxiety changed you?

03-11-2014, 10:44 AM
How has anxiety changed you for the better?
Here are some of the ways it has changed me:

I'm thankful that anxiety is a disorder that I can have control over, and I can overcome. I have the ability to change how the anxiety impacts me by changing my thoughts, my decisions, an by getting help and support. There are other diseases that the person has no ability whatsoever to do anything about.

Having anxiety has helped me to be more understanding and empathetic towards those people with mental illnesses. I never knew how real and challenging it was to have a mental illness, and I've gained a respect towards those who are struggling with it.

Anxiety has helped me to slow down and has helped me to understand that I don't have to take everything on, and that I need to take care of me and my needs, and that it's ok to make mistakes. It has helped me to be more compassionate and loving towards myself.

Healing from anxiety has helped me to not be so worried and anxious about what other people think of me, and that I don't have to please every person.

03-11-2014, 12:45 PM
As much as I wish I never had to deal with it the way I have, I have definetly learned more about myself through it. I've been forced to rethink things...

03-11-2014, 02:17 PM
Very good question.

Anxiety has given me the drive to succeed, to never be satisfied with sub-optimal circumstances. Anxiety has driven me to push myself to further heights of achievement, to experience great adventures, and to travel far from my "safety net" in search of happiness and fulfillment.

Anxiety has helped me understand the world better--it has driven me to search for philosophical answers to life's hardest questions. It has brought me to Buddhism and to humility and to acceptance of humanity's fragile, paradoxical nature. It has made me fear death and has made me triumph over that fear.

Anxiety has given me many sleepless nights and has made me shed many tears. It has taken girlfriends from me and has taken opportunities from me as well. But I have always bounced back ten-fold from those tragedies and have become stronger.

03-11-2014, 02:31 PM
As much as I wish I never had to deal with it the way I have, I have definetly learned more about myself through it. I've been forced to rethink things...
Yea, me too. It's definitely a challenge, but we can always grow and good things can come out of our challenges :)

03-11-2014, 02:40 PM
Best thing that ever happened to me . Its made me stronger , its shown me compassion , love , hope , freedom . I would never change it . The best things in life are learned in tough times
That's awesome :). And it's so true. All the hard times in our lives make us who we are, and if we let it, it makes us better people. I wouldn't change that :)

03-11-2014, 02:44 PM
Very good question. Anxiety has given me the drive to succeed, to never be satisfied with sub-optimal circumstances. Anxiety has driven me to push myself to further heights of achievement, to experience great adventures, and to travel far from my "safety net" in search of happiness and fulfillment. Anxiety has helped me understand the world better--it has driven me to search for philosophical answers to life's hardest questions. It has brought me to Buddhism and to humility and to acceptance of humanity's fragile, paradoxical nature. It has made me fear death and has made me triumph over that fear. Anxiety has given me many sleepless nights and has made me shed many tears. It has taken girlfriends from me and has taken opportunities from me as well. But I have always bounced back ten-fold from those tragedies and have become stronger.
Wow! That's really amazing :). I think I'm starting to learn acceptance too, acceptance of myself and my emotions and the situation around me. But it definitely makes you stronger, that's for sure :). I admire all of you, and the strength in each one of you :)