View Full Version : Horrible dream, set me up for a crappy day

03-11-2014, 06:03 AM
Be been feeling a bit off since Sunday, a bit depressed and down, I have niggles now and then but I'm worried it's building up to something bad again.

I woke up from a horrible dream last night that my mother died and all I felt was utter agony and despair in my dream, it is one of the biggest fears of my life that I will lose her and not have anyone else to care about as much as I do, and who I know cares about me to the ends of the earth.

She is in her 60s now, smokes 20 a day and drinks alcohol every evening which is her stress relief. She's a tough ol' bird always busy and finding things to do but I want to cry just thinking when she leaves me here alone one day, and I worry that it's soon, purely because I know her habits/addictions.

I'm on a train writing this on way to uni, had a bit of a burn up (my chest goes hot and feels like a sparkler in there radiating heat and tingles around my body). I'm just trying to stay calm and I know I will as I'm good at dealing with it now for the most part when a flare up happens.. I'm just worried I'm going downhill after 3 consistent days of worry.

Does anyone else also have things like this were your anxiety dreams push you into a really shit day?

I just got my prescription yesterday for my 10mg citalopram, I may go back again next week if things continue to see about a new dosage or extra meds..

03-11-2014, 06:35 AM
Be been feeling a bit off since Sunday, a bit depressed and down, I have niggles now and then but I'm worried it's building up to something bad again. I woke up from a horrible dream last night that my mother died and all I felt was utter agony and despair in my dream, it is one of the biggest fears of my life that I will lose her and not have anyone else to care about as much as I do, and who I know cares about me to the ends of the earth. She is in her 60s now, smokes 20 a day and drinks alcohol every evening which is her stress relief. She's a tough ol' bird always busy and finding things to do but I want to cry just thinking when she leaves me here alone one day, and I worry that it's soon, purely because I know her habits/addictions. I'm on a train writing this on way to uni, had a bit of a burn up (my chest goes hot and feels like a sparkler in there radiating heat and tingles around my body). I'm just trying to stay calm and I know I will as I'm good at dealing with it now for the most part when a flare up happens.. I'm just worried I'm going downhill after 3 consistent days of worry. Does anyone else also have things like this were your anxiety dreams push you into a really shit day? I just got my prescription yesterday for my 10mg citalopram, I may go back again next week if things continue to see about a new dosage or extra meds..


We have all had those dreams that throw us off for the day, it's awful I know.

Keep reminding yourself it's only a dream and don't allow it to impact your day! As soon as you allow it to control you your day is shot!

Keep focused on what you need to do today, don't climb on the "what if merry-go-round.

Good luck with the meds, they really do help once you get used to them. Also remember, some AD's can cause vivid dreams. It could just be the meds talking to you.


03-11-2014, 08:34 AM
Yes J!!
It has happened to me bruh, and usually I have to find something good within the present day to help me realize that, it was only a dream friend....
Hope you're doing well,...don't you dare fall apart of us now!!!

Make this day a great day brah!!!..

Enduronman.. :)

03-12-2014, 10:58 AM

We have all had those dreams that throw us off for the day, it's awful I know.

Keep reminding yourself it's only a dream and don't allow it to impact your day! As soon as you allow it to control you your day is shot!

Keep focused on what you need to do today, don't climb on the "what if merry-go-round.

Good luck with the meds, they really do help once you get used to them. Also remember, some AD's can cause vivid dreams. It could just be the meds talking to you.


Yes J!!
It has happened to me bruh, and usually I have to find something good within the present day to help me realize that, it was only a dream friend....
Hope you're doing well,...don't you dare fall apart of us now!!!

Make this day a great day brah!!!..

Enduronman.. :)

Thank you for your support guys.

I managed to push it away for the rest of the day mostly, had a niggle in the evening again though. But today/this morning I was feeling it again and I was getting mad, and more worried because of it, so now my anxiety is fully worrying about the worry that anxiety brings when it comes on ha, its so ridiculous.
Anyway I thought fuck this and went to the gym, and just pushed out all my energy, I don't think of anything but the weights when I'm in the gym, so my focus is on that entirely and the exhaustion helps bring my brain to a zen level for a while.

It might simply have been that I was overtired from not having much sleep last Friday night because of inconsiderate flat mate coming in at 3am drunk with his friend. And from there I couldn't really catch up, the medication doesn't let me stay asleep for very long amounts of time, I manage about 6 hours before my body will wake me up, so its so important that I get at least that, I think the feeling groggy from the lack of sleep set me up for a crappy start to this week. I have the next 2 days off so I should be able to get my mind back on track.
Always has been a life long issue for me, feeling groggy and tired makes me slump into laziness which makes me depressed about being lazy and sends me further spiralling down, horrible mix of events.

Thought I'd write this up soon as I got back from gym as feeling good, harness that positive energy and say FUCK YOU ANXIETY. BRING IT ON YOU ABSOLUTE ^$%&^%&£$%! YOU WILL NOT BEAT ME.

On a side note, I will see how the rest of this week pans out, focus on getting back into a routine of sleep/gym/work/uni work and if I'm still having problems then I think I know it'll be time to up my meds.

Peace and harmony to you all.

03-12-2014, 11:05 AM
Thank you for your support guys. It might simply have been that I was overtired from not having much sleep last Friday night because of inconsiderate flat mate coming in at 3am drunk with his friend. And from there I couldn't really catch up, the medication doesn't let me stay asleep for very long amounts of time, I manage about 6 hours before my body will wake me up, so its so important that I get at least that, I think the feeling groggy from the lack of sleep set me up for a crappy start to this week. I have the next 2 days off so I should be able to get my mind back on track.
Always has been a life long issue for me, feeling groggy and tired makes me slump into laziness which makes me depressed about being lazy and sends me further spiralling down, horrible mix of events.

Thought I'd write this up soon as I got back from gym as feeling good, harness that positive energy and say FUCK YOU ANXIETY. BRING IT ON YOU ABSOLUTE ^$%&^%&£$%! YOU WILL NOT BEAT ME.

On a side note, I will see how the rest of this week pans out, focus on getting back into a routine of sleep/gym/work/uni work and if I'm still having problems then I think I know it'll be time to up my meds.

Peace and harmony to you all.

Yes J! You're on to something there, and it appears a vital clue as to why you had a shitty beginning to the week,,,and even into today. SLEEP IS SO VITAL that we take it for granted and ignore the effects of it, until realized and as you have stated...

Hope that this day gets better for you bruh, always great to see you even if just going over a speedbump along this roadway of life....
A project in the works friend!!

Enduronman.. :)

03-12-2014, 11:42 AM
That sounds really horrible. I had a dream quite some ago that my parents kept giving me presents (for what?) and helping me but no matter what they tried to do, I kept feeling sad. So finally they said to each other that they can't understand why I won't cheer up and started to cry.

This dream haunts me. But it made me try to appreciate what my parents do for me more, even though it's gotten a bit extreme. So the important thing to know is that no matter what happens in your dreams, they can't hurt you and you will wake up from it eventually. It can be also be a way of turning the negatives into a positive.