View Full Version : Struggling...

03-11-2014, 03:51 AM
Does anyone else find themselves getting extremely anxious when tired, and even more anxious worrying about being tired? This is a daily struggle of mine. It was so bad today that I had to leave work 2 hours early because I was 'sick'. I don't want to go to work tomorrow because I know the rest of the week is going to be horrid not being able to find energy. I'm never not tired and it's starting to take it still :( I just want to feel normal and be awake during the day and tired at night like other people :( I'm starting to struggle with the idea of life and am feeling like giving it would be easier :'(

03-11-2014, 04:33 AM
Does anyone else find themselves getting extremely anxious when tired, and even more anxious worrying about being tired? This is a daily struggle of mine. It was so bad today that I had to leave work 2 hours early because I was 'sick'. I don't want to go to work tomorrow because I know the rest of the week is going to be horrid not being able to find energy. I'm never not tired and it's starting to take it still :( I just want to feel normal and be awake during the day and tired at night like other people :( I'm starting to struggle with the idea of life and am feeling like giving it would be easier :'(

Hi Suza, I hear you!

Wondering....do you take any meds? Hows your diet? Do you feel better when you get home? Does this start up again when you get up in the morning to go to work? Do you get any exercise?

I really understand but I'm needing a little more info to help you discover the "root" cause of this exhaustion.

Don't give up! It's going to be ok and you will find a "new normal".


03-11-2014, 08:03 AM
Hi Suza, I hear you!

Wondering....do you take any meds? Hows your diet? Do you feel better when you get home? Does this start up again when you get up in the morning to go to work? Do you get any exercise?

I really understand but I'm needing a little more info to help you discover the "root" cause of this exhaustion.

Don't give up! It's going to be ok and you will find a "new normal".



Thinking of you Suza...

Enduronman.... :)

03-11-2014, 08:20 AM
Does anyone else find themselves getting extremely anxious when tired, and even more anxious worrying about being tired? This is a daily struggle of mine. It was so bad today that I had to leave work 2 hours early because I was 'sick'. I don't want to go to work tomorrow because I know the rest of the week is going to be horrid not being able to find energy. I'm never not tired and it's starting to take it still :( I just want to feel normal and be awake during the day and tired at night like other people :( I'm starting to struggle with the idea of life and am feeling like giving it would be easier :'(

So much is clear about you and just those few sentences

When your mind is tired, people that have anxiety will definitely find themselves more anxious.

So then you worry about being tired. If not that, it would be something else. We just fu*kin worry.

You had to leave work 2 hours early because you were tired. That is okay. I do that and so does anyone else that can get away with it it times

Your aren't a machine so you can't view your body as something that should run smoothly all of the time. Embrace being away from your damn job. Everyone hates going to work

And you don't want to go to work tomorrow because you KNOW the rest of the week will be horrid?

Well that certainly is going to happen thinking like that

You just made your anxiety really happy because it has you where it wants perfectly. In a vicious cycle that you are letting continue

If you decided today that when you wake up tomorrow you would say "I left work early yesterday and it was awesome and I am so ready to kick ass for the remainder of the week", do you think you may have different results about where your mind will take you?

That would piss off your anxiety for sure

My point being that where your mind takes you, your energy will gravitate to those circumstances

Change your attitude and it changes your life