View Full Version : Had my best day so far

03-11-2014, 03:15 AM
no anxiety nothing.just normal.enjoying it till the max.i have a huge headache but the amazing feeling i have is just so big i forget about it. yaaay!!!! oh and good day to everyone :)))))))

03-11-2014, 06:09 AM
no anxiety nothing.just normal.enjoying it till the max.i have a huge headache but the amazing feeling i have is just so big i forget about it. yaaay!!!! oh and good day to everyone :)))))))

Outstanding Cimi !!!!

Keep hold of how fabulous you feel and don't let go! It's what we all strive for!

My day started off rocky but it's getting better by the minute!

Cheers my friend!

Michael p
03-11-2014, 06:25 AM
Honestly, I am VERY happy the day is good!! I understand the bad ones and they seem to be present more often than not. I hate to intrude upon your post, but I am new and am having trouble even starting my own "post" to introduce myself. I also have other things that I would love to share and bounce off of other members, but am obviously too ignorant to know how. I sent a request for help, but have heard nothing back. Please help! Thanks so much and I apologize again. Make it another great day!!

03-11-2014, 07:14 AM
Honestly, I am VERY happy the day is good!! I understand the bad ones and they seem to be present more often than not. I hate to intrude upon your post, but I am new and am having trouble even starting my own "post" to introduce myself. I also have other things that I would love to share and bounce off of other members, but am obviously too ignorant to know how. I sent a request for help, but have heard nothing back. Please help! Thanks so much and I apologize again. Make it another great day!!

Hi Michael,

I too use the app, same Frankie, get lost. Hang in there, someone will help you with the start a new thread thing if you are on a the full site.

Cheers ! Looking forward to reading what is going on with you, and helping if I can.


03-11-2014, 07:23 AM
no anxiety nothing.just normal.enjoying it till the max.i have a huge headache but the amazing feeling i have is just so big i forget about it. yaaay!!!! oh and good day to everyone :)))))))

The day you are having today is one that you will remember.....or at least you better!

Days like this remind us that we can in fact feel normal

I always think that getting better is not a straight line from bad to good

It is zig-zagged with good days and not so good days

But reminding yourself of how you feel now on those not so good days will lesson their severity

The more good days in your rear view mirror will start to overtake the bad until you stop looking back altogether and only look forward

Big day for you

03-11-2014, 08:40 AM

IS RIGHT!!!....
Keep that forward momentum Cimi!

Have an awesome day friend...

Enduronman.. :)

03-11-2014, 10:41 AM
This is a really good post... glad to see you that are doing well and I hope it stays that way!!

03-11-2014, 12:40 PM
thanks alot guys. u are great.oh by the way the day is still great :))))).i love to share mu sucesses coz i think everybody needs some inspiration :)))