View Full Version : New Steps
03-10-2014, 11:54 PM
Hi all,
As I got healthcare plan at work I decided to ask them about another psychiatric assessment. I had to have one before they'd let me start CBT a couple of years ago. A few months after I got an email asking for a follow up session with the psychiatrist which I never undertook. But seeing as the anxiety hasn't improved at all and i'm slipping back into old habits having not seen my therapist in a year I figured I need to grab this by the horns and try again.
I personally didn't find the therapist he'd recommended to be effective so i'll be asking for another therapist recommendation. She was anti medication, english wasn't her first language so, whislst I understood where she was coming from and the logical and rational side to why I was getting hit with anxiety pains all the time....something felt clunky about her approach. Also there's a great many issues other than the anxiety which I want to discuss and she didn't feel like the right person to discuss this with. Right from the first session she was surprised how much i knew about anxiety and why it occured and we only had 4-6 sessions before she literally felt like she'd taught me all she could. It just felt very haphazard and rushed in all honesty.
But I also think i've figured out what initially started my severe worrying and it happened a great many years before I ever got hit with my anxiety in a physical sense. It was however, only a few years before I started smoking weed regularly and I think it all ties together as I was using weed to hide away from the worries and negative emotions etc.
Thankfully once the ball is rolling with the healthcare provider they get appointments made very swiftly so I could be back in therapy in a couple of weeks. I'm also asking if they cover physiotherapy. I think they do and this would be very beneficial for me as I was speaking to a physiotherapist last year who felt she could really improve my bodily aches and pains from anxiety. Everything is worth a shot right?
Good luck with your health care and finding another therapist. I really hope that you can find a good one that will give you lots of good insights that you've never thought of before and who will be supportive in everything that you have to talk about. That's really important to find someone who will be supportive of you and your decisions (like taking medication) but also someone who you can feel comfortable with as well. I never like going to therapy when it feels awkward with the councilor. And why not try physiotherapy?? Anything that will help you ;)
03-11-2014, 07:15 AM
Hi all,
As I got healthcare plan at work I decided to ask them about another psychiatric assessment. I had to have one before they'd let me start CBT a couple of years ago. A few months after I got an email asking for a follow up session with the psychiatrist which I never undertook. But seeing as the anxiety hasn't improved at all and i'm slipping back into old habits having not seen my therapist in a year I figured I need to grab this by the horns and try again.
I personally didn't find the therapist he'd recommended to be effective so i'll be asking for another therapist recommendation. She was anti medication, english wasn't her first language so, whislst I understood where she was coming from and the logical and rational side to why I was getting hit with anxiety pains all the time....something felt clunky about her approach. Also there's a great many issues other than the anxiety which I want to discuss and she didn't feel like the right person to discuss this with. Right from the first session she was surprised how much i knew about anxiety and why it occured and we only had 4-6 sessions before she literally felt like she'd taught me all she could. It just felt very haphazard and rushed in all honesty.
But I also think i've figured out what initially started my severe worrying and it happened a great many years before I ever got hit with my anxiety in a physical sense. It was however, only a few years before I started smoking weed regularly and I think it all ties together as I was using weed to hide away from the worries and negative emotions etc.
Thankfully once the ball is rolling with the healthcare provider they get appointments made very swiftly so I could be back in therapy in a couple of weeks. I'm also asking if they cover physiotherapy. I think they do and this would be very beneficial for me as I was speaking to a physiotherapist last year who felt she could really improve my bodily aches and pains from anxiety. Everything is worth a shot right?
Ed - I think you have the right approach and the right attitude
I had 3 therapists that were all horrible but they meant well
I have heard some pretty amazing things from people that have found the right one though
So everything is worth a shot when it comes to overcoming this nonsense
Just sometimes takes some longer than others to find the right program that works
Good luck!
03-12-2014, 05:54 AM
Saw my GP today. As i've had saide ffects with every single medication and seem to give up before seeing benefits he put me on lowest dose of Venlafaxine (Effexor). He said it probably wouldn't be a doseage i'd notice any benefits from, but also it should avoid any side effects and then the doseage will be reviewed in a month.
So it's more waiting. But eh I guess it's preferrable to just putting up with all the aches and pains and nonsense day in day out. I just hope this one doesn't prevent me yawning properly. Every single anxiety medication I have taken (except beta blocker) has made me super drowsy and yet, unable to yawn properly and causes sleep upset, stomach upset, headaches and nausea.
Horray. Well, no point looking out for what feels different, I feel crap with bodily sensations and aches every single day and thankfully my anxiety doesnt increase when I get side effects from medications....I just get more fed up and defeatist.
He recommended a 6-9 month use of a drug and then come off it to see how I do. he said it's very good I am willing to pair this with CBT and find a therapist who works well for me and what I require.
03-12-2014, 06:04 AM
Sounds like a great plan and something positive to look forward to bruh!!
I hope that this is that ticket! Effexor is a great medication btw...
Have a good day friend!
Enduronman.. :)
03-12-2014, 06:05 AM
Hi Ed!
You have a really good attitude, it will take you far!
I was on Effexor for many years and it helped me function really well. I hope it does the same for you.
The only side effect I had was sweating at odd times. But then again I am a woman in late 40's so the sweating may have been related to other things.
I wish you luck with this!
03-12-2014, 08:03 AM
Haha ohhh bugger. 2 hours after taking the pill and I got some of the worst nausea ever and once again I cannot yawn properly. Boooooo!!!! Oh well, screw it. I'm not going to give up on a 5th medication. Giner & Lemon tea to the rescue (I hope)
03-12-2014, 08:23 AM
Well it's time to man up I think. Rang the Dr as I noticed the pill packet has Mon-Sun with a sun and moon symbol so clearly this intended for 2 a day. I told the Dr i'm getting the side effects and I suggested we just tackle this with a theraputic dose from day one. So now it's one pill x2 a day and with any luck the side effects will taper off after 2-3 weeks.
Might as well start with the right doseage and work my way up anyway instead of pussy footing around with an introductory dose for a month or so which won't give me much/if any benefits
03-12-2014, 08:34 AM
Hi Ed,
Sorry the meds are making you nauseous. That's really awful!
Having been on this med I would offer I other suggestion....check with your doc ....I found taking this stuff at night before bed all in one shot helpful for avoiding side effects. Rather than 2x a day.
Good luck!
Niicole Lynne
03-12-2014, 08:42 AM
Hi Ed! You have a really good attitude, it will take you far! I was on Effexor for many years and it helped me function really well. I hope it does the same for you. The only side effect I had was sweating at odd times. But then again I am a woman in late 40's so the sweating may have been related to other things. I wish you luck with this! Cheers Pam
I also find myself getting like weird cold sweats or hot flashes. I am on Effexor as you know and I am only 23 so I was like what is going on
Maybe it is from the medication? Hmm
Maybe I'll have to ask my doctor
Thanks for the response :)
Niicole Lynne
03-12-2014, 08:44 AM
Well it's time to man up I think. Rang the Dr as I noticed the pill packet has Mon-Sun with a sun and moon symbol so clearly this intended for 2 a day. I told the Dr i'm getting the side effects and I suggested we just tackle this with a theraputic dose from day one. So now it's one pill x2 a day and with any luck the side effects will taper off after 2-3 weeks. Might as well start with the right doseage and work my way up anyway instead of pussy footing around with an introductory dose for a month or so which won't give me much/if any benefits Ed
Hey Ed
I too just started Effexor
I have noticed it has helped me with my panic attacks and sleeping which is great
So hopefully in time the nausea will subside and it will also help you with the anxiety as well
I started at 75mg and just moved to 150mg
03-12-2014, 09:29 AM
Thanks for the words of encouragement everyone. Glad to hear this medication has helped people.I think I need to be pushed back to reality and normality and pair this with another round of CBT and with any luck i'll have this anxiety down to much more manageable levels.
03-12-2014, 02:15 PM
I'm on venlafaxine at the moment and yes the awful nausea does go away. But it comes back if you miss a dose and then take another because they have a relatively short half life compared to other snri's. Try taking the tablet and then eating something. Even justt a biscuit. Took the edge off my nausea.
Hope you get on with it. It's a great medication.
03-12-2014, 02:22 PM
How long do you space your doses apart? I took my first one at midday. I'm pretty tired now and i'm wondering if 8.5 hours is alright to take the next one? To be honest i'm not worried, just wondering how long people space their doses out?
03-12-2014, 02:32 PM
I was on XR but it got changed because it was 'too expensive'. Joys of the NHS.
I try and take them 12 hour apart. For example at ten and ten. Then my body has a constant flow of it
03-12-2014, 02:44 PM
Hmm i'll try and stay up for another 3 hours so it makes it 12.
03-12-2014, 02:53 PM
You for have to stay up. Take it now or when you go to bed and then take it at the same time in the morning :-) x
03-12-2014, 03:35 PM
I wonder if I should bother with pain killers for the headaches though. Oh well, sleep should cure everything for now.
03-12-2014, 03:38 PM
I would ask you gp about paracetamol for the headaches but it probably can't hurt to try it x
03-12-2014, 03:53 PM
Oh yeah he said don't take ibuprofen but other one's are fine. Was only cos it'd upset the stomach.
03-12-2014, 09:38 PM
I thought I could hack it but i'm not sure. I've had the strangest headache/head pressure that's so much worse when lying down and trying to sleep. I managed 2 hours sleep and even then I keep waking up and tossing and turning. I can't yawn properly, my stomach feels all wrong. But that headache. Jeeze it's so damn intense and just hoppiung around my head constantly. This isn't nice at all.
03-13-2014, 01:45 AM
Well I managed to get another 4 hours sleep. Headache remains. Guess i'll just have to tough this one out...even though the headaches might last 2 weeks or more = /
03-13-2014, 02:29 AM
'Tis very ture. Trying to remain positive about it about everything. Thankfully its a pain that comes and goes anyway. Now just waiting for healthcare provider to respond about CBT. It should be today or tomorrow which is something to look forward to.
Plus i'm getting my tattoo sleeve started tomorrow as well so more things to look forward to :) Thanks for the advice, very well put.
03-13-2014, 03:18 AM
It's not so bad really. Kind of a burning scratchy pain. You get used to it to be honest. Certain areas will hurt more, closer to the bone and all that. I'm skinny so quite a few bits on this sleeve will hurt a lot lol.
03-13-2014, 04:22 AM
What's great is if you go in with any anxziety pains they quickly disappear as you experience discomfort from a real source and not just fear and worry and anxiety ;)
03-13-2014, 04:42 AM
Well the healthcare provider said that as it's been a signifianct amount of time since my CBT and last psychiatric assessment I need to get another referral letter from my GP and send it to them and then an appointment with the psychiatrist and then forward his diagnosis to them and then they'll look for a therapist for me. Red tape yaaay. Same as last time I suppose, just a shame things can't move a little faster.
03-13-2014, 05:25 AM
Well it's all part of being British! Red tape is right up there with queueing! As long as you're going forwards not backwards eh!
Keep going forward Ed, you're going in the right direction.
Being Canadian, I too understand the frustration of queuing and red tape!! I am thankful however that my healthcare, such as it is, is not going to bankrupt me!
It breaks my heart seeing people loose homes, life savings or don't seek treatment at all because they can't afford it.
We take the good with the bad.
Hoping your day is going well.
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