View Full Version : Update :)

Niicole Lynne
03-10-2014, 10:07 PM
This is not anxiety related but I do feel I have connected with a few people and I had posted I had a job interview today.

Well just wanted to say IT WENT AMAZING
Because it is teaching I probably won't here anything for a few months if I have a permanent position back in my hometown but if there is a way to OWN an interview... I did it hahaha

I was put on the "preferred candidate" list which means I would be one of the first names to consider when a job arises :)

Hope everyone is having a good night

03-10-2014, 10:09 PM
This is not anxiety related but I do feel I have connected with a few people and I had posted I had a job interview today. Well just wanted to say IT WENT AMAZING Because it is teaching I probably won't here anything for a few months if I have a permanent position back in my hometown but if there is a way to OWN an interview... I did it hahaha I was put on the "preferred candidate" list which means I would be one of the first names to consider when a job arises :) Hope everyone is having a good night

Yay for you!! Happy to hear that :)

03-10-2014, 10:18 PM
That's awesome!! Congrats!

03-10-2014, 10:37 PM
Congratulations on your interview.

03-10-2014, 10:47 PM
^ I let out a 4am lol at your puppet!

Anyway, way to go Niicole :) When you nail it, it just gives you so much more confidence about yourself and your abilities. Congrats!

03-11-2014, 06:57 AM
Congratulation Nicole, well done:))
BTW where is your sock hon?

03-11-2014, 07:07 AM
This is not anxiety related but I do feel I have connected with a few people and I had posted I had a job interview today.

Well just wanted to say IT WENT AMAZING
Because it is teaching I probably won't here anything for a few months if I have a permanent position back in my hometown but if there is a way to OWN an interview... I did it hahaha

I was put on the "preferred candidate" list which means I would be one of the first names to consider when a job arises :)

Hope everyone is having a good night

That is some good news.

Maybe you and Jillian will both get your new teaching positions

I love the fact that you are talking about a teaching position and you used "here" instead of "hear"

I know auto-correct is the guilty party but it seemed ironically funny! LOL

Niicole Lynne
03-11-2014, 07:08 AM
That is some good news. Maybe you and Jillian will both get your new teaching positions I love the fact that you are talking about a teaching position and you used "here" instead of "hear" I know auto-correct is the guilty party but it seemed ironically funny! LOL

Nixon I didn't even see that hahaha
Now I'm laughing at myself lol

Niicole Lynne
04-21-2014, 05:20 PM
Hey everyone how is it going?
I feel like I haven't posted in forever and I guess that is a super good thing but I miss being here for others and hearing what's going on! It's awesome having most of you on fb too so thAt has been nice :)

Anyway, for anyone who hasn't seen my posts I was dealing with some pretty major anxiety, it came back with a vengeance after 3 years and took over. Panic attacks 24/7... Intrusive thoughts over the fear of dying and I just felt completely lost and gone. My biggest fear was death and I thought I was dying all the time. :(

I am happy to say since that day 2 months ago I have been feeling wonderful. I started taking Effexor... Seeing my therapist (which I really need to do) and I also found this forum which has gotten me through scared and down times and iv met some wonderful people. I have not had a panic attack in almost a month and a half. My intrusive thoughts still exist but they do not affect me as severely and I can push them away almost as fast as they come.

Unfortunately my fear of death has not totally ceased and I don't think I ever will. I just keep trying to look at the positive and live for today because in this life you just never know. Not every day has been perfect... But it seems I go for longer periods where I realize I haven't charted my anxiety... Thought about my anxiety... Or had to deal with my anxiety and that has been so wonderful. I also just got a clean bill of health from the doc so I feel great.

I'm focusing now on my own personal body health now and hoping for a job in my home city,
Anyway. Just wanted to post an update to share some happiness! I'm still always around if anyone needs a friend or a chat :) hope everyone is doing good today and every day! :)

04-21-2014, 05:38 PM
Great to see you Nicole.

You have been a busy lady and that's a good thing. I know cause I see all the FB stuff.

Wanted to let you know just how proud of you I am. You faced this beast and are winning!!! That smiling face I see tells it all.

You are remarkable! Remind yourself of that every day because you truly are.

Cheers lovely lady, I've got my fingers crossed for you to get that job back in your home town.


Niicole Lynne
04-21-2014, 05:47 PM
Great to see you Nicole. You have been a busy lady and that's a good thing. I know cause I see all the FB stuff. Wanted to let you know just how proud of you I am. You faced this beast and are winning!!! That smiling face I see tells it all. You are remarkable! Remind yourself of that every day because you truly are. Cheers lovely lady, I've got my fingers crossed for you to get that job back in your home town. Pam

Thank you so much Pam! I appreciate that and your words so much :)

04-21-2014, 06:02 PM
Awesome awesome news!!! Congratulations! I wish you well and great success!!