View Full Version : Sharp pains

03-10-2014, 07:55 PM
Anyone else get sharp really quick pains in head?? Mine are above my R eyebrow in my forehead... Freaking me out as I'm terrified of having a brain tumor

03-10-2014, 08:11 PM
Anyone else get sharp really quick pains in head?? Mine are above my R eyebrow in my forehead... Freaking me out as I'm terrified of having a brain tumor

All my sharp pains I ever experienced were cause by brain zaps from the Effexor I use to take when I forgot it or drinking too much the night before

I did get tension headaches constantly from my anxiety

It would be 1000 other things before a brain tumor

Anxious mind = irrational thoughts and conclusions

03-10-2014, 08:18 PM
Anyone else get sharp really quick pains in head?? Mine are above my R eyebrow in my forehead... Freaking me out as I'm terrified of having a brain tumor

Get them all the time, sometime they pass in less than a few minutes, sometimes they last all day depending upon my stress levels.
NOT a tumor friend, as bruh Nix has stated...just nerves..
Try taking a hot shower, then rub some sort of cream on your neck because that's where these things begin,..in the nerves of the spine..
Its where we carry our stresses and anxiety...then of course, a headache....
If you're not afriad of meds, acetaminophen will generally knock this out pretty quickly too friend..plus it works faster than any other OTC pain med..

Hopes you get to feeling better!!

E-Man.. :)