View Full Version : Im having a really tough time today

03-10-2014, 06:33 PM
Today has been hell for me. Honestly haven't felt this way since the beginning of my terrible anxiety (almost two years ago). I cry on and off, all I want to do is go to sleep so my mind shuts up, and my body has been shaky all day.

My thoughts and obsessions are making me sick to my stomach.

I have no idea what is going on. I seen a star in the sky last week and it was so beautiful that the thought "what if none of this is real?" Popped into my head. Now it won't leave. It's gotten to the point that I'm afraid that nothing is real. Everything. Even me typing this, it crosses my mind that this is all in my head. Then I start to think what's the point of anything at all.

It freaks me out pretty bad, I'm afraid I'll seriously start to believe it and all the doubts in the back of my mind.

03-10-2014, 07:17 PM
You're only having those thoughts because of your anxiety issues

That is your anxious mind talking, not you

When you are calm and not anxious, you don't feel that way. It's just when your nerves are overloaded

I used to have that same upset stomach from my thinking for a few weeks on end at times

It really is just not fearing. I wish it was as easily done as it is to write it. It;s not

You are here and you did write this. I know becasue I am responding!

Are you on meds now?

03-10-2014, 07:17 PM
There are certain things, in this Universe, that kinda freak me out abit too..normal..and they pass.
There are certain things, in this World that kinda freak me out too..normal..and they pass..
There are certain things in this house, that kinda freak me out too...like, NONE of this would even be here, without a single water molecule..
And, neither would you, I, or anything else that you visually see...anywhere you go...
Now that stuff freaks me out....
Yes, you obsessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss about things wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy to much..
and you've been here for quite some time with these obesessions too I see..
Well, life is real, you are real, the stars are real, this world is real, and everything you see, touch, or smell is really, real.
At what point Melly, do you think that its maybe time to do something with your thoughts, rather than let them "consume" you??????
Would you like for us to draw you out an actual plan and using much of the information that some of our members have provided to you?????

I think it's about time friend, don't you?
You're a very smart person, I can tell...let's use some of this wit and make something positive happen and change for the betterment of you and your family too.

Just some thoughts...

Hope you had a great day friend!!!

Enduronman.. :)

03-10-2014, 07:46 PM
I have been here for over a year with this issue, I just thought I was doing so good, because I was going to therapy, and started to have things figured out.

But then all of a sudden this crept up on me and it is like a kick in the vagina.

I will admit that I was prescribed meds (kpins) a year ago and never took them the way they were prescribed. With that being said, I am starting then tonight the way they are supposed to be taken. I'm not a fan of meds, but something has got to give.

I cannot be like this around my daughter.

03-10-2014, 07:49 PM
I have been here for over a year with this issue, I just thought I was doing so good, because I was going to therapy, and started to have things figured out.

But then all of a sudden this crept up on me and it is like a kick in the vagina.

I will admit that I was prescribed meds (kpins) a year ago and never took them the way they were prescribed. With that being said, I am starting then tonight the way they are supposed to be taken. I'm not a fan of meds, but something has got to give.

I cannot be like this around my daughter.

good for you about keeping an open mind about the meds

I understand you being reluctant. I was as well.

If I had not taken them, I don't know if it ever would have ended

This is a good thing. You will feel loads better

03-10-2014, 07:52 PM
They are only anxiety meds, but that's as far as I think I can go. Hopefully that's good enough. I'm thinking that maybe by getting them into my system, my body will calm down and I hopefully *fingers crossed* will get some mind relief as well.

03-10-2014, 07:56 PM
I have been here for over a year with this issue, I just thought I was doing so good, because I was going to therapy, and started to have things figured out.

But then all of a sudden this crept up on me and it is like a kick in the vagina.

I will admit that I was prescribed meds (kpins) a year ago and never took them the way they were prescribed. With that being said, I am starting then tonight the way they are supposed to be taken. I'm not a fan of meds, but something has got to give.

I cannot be like this around my daughter.

YES!!! And this WILL BE a step in the right direction friend...so proud of you!!!
And please,...just keep posting, that's the best therapy and way to get to the bottom of issues quickly...

YAY!!!!... :) :)

Chris... :)

03-10-2014, 07:58 PM
Thank you. You guys are all awesome. Thank you for always talking to me :)

03-10-2014, 07:58 PM
They are only anxiety meds, but that's as far as I think I can go. Hopefully that's good enough. I'm thinking that maybe by getting them into my system, my body will calm down and I hopefully *fingers crossed* will get some mind relief as well.

Yes, get them into your system...every day as it states,...that's how they work the best.
I have been taking a pain killer for 2 weeks now with no success then suddenly today, I take them and I feel them finally!!..YAY!! (they're stronger than I thought)..

You're doing the right thing Melly!! I promise you of that,...let's help to "calm" those thoughts as you stated...

Hopes for a better day tomorrow too!!

Enduronman... :)

03-10-2014, 08:02 PM
Thank you. You guys are all awesome. Thank you for always talking to me :)

VERY welcome Melly...We wouldn't let you down.

Enduronman & Nixon.... :)

03-10-2014, 08:03 PM
Thank you. You guys are all awesome. Thank you for always talking to me :)

Will probably be easier to put the CBT into practice that I sent you yesterday with a calmer mind. Hard to organize your mind when it's all over the place and your emotions are zipping around. That's why the SSRIs help people. But whatever works best for you is great. Just about getting something that helps you organize it all.

G'luck mel!

03-10-2014, 08:05 PM
Will probably be easier to put the CBT into practice that I sent you yesterday with a calmer mind. Hard to organize your mind when it's all over the place and your emotions are zipping around. That's why the SSRIs help people. But whatever works best for you is great. Just about getting something that helps you organize it all.

G'luck mel!

Yes, and with some CBT practice too, some calming meds,...Melly will be on the road to success and happiness!!! Maybe some SSRI's once the Klonopins calm you and level out your thought processes abit,..yes they will... So happy for you!!!

E-Man, Nix, Jesse... :D

03-10-2014, 08:15 PM
Will probably be easier to put the CBT into practice that I sent you yesterday with a calmer mind. Hard to organize your mind when it's all over the place and your emotions are zipping around. That's why the SSRIs help people. But whatever works best for you is great. Just about getting something that helps you organize it all. G'luck mel!

It really is, my mind feels like a spider web of constant scary, weird, bizarre thoughts. Not fun at all.

03-10-2014, 08:18 PM
It really is, my mind feels like a spider web of constant scary, weird, bizarre thoughts. Not fun at all.

Meds will slow that mind of yours down and those thoughts are out the window

You will be good/ In no time

03-10-2014, 08:20 PM
We're either here or on chat if you ever need us....Proud of you for sure!

E-Man.. :D

03-10-2014, 08:26 PM
I hope so! Thanks again!

03-10-2014, 09:34 PM
I hope so! Thanks again!

Hope you are doing well. I cringed when you said it was like a kick to thr vagina. ...I understand your pain.

Yep...there are always a few of us lingering around here if you need to chat.

03-10-2014, 09:52 PM
Hope you are doing well. I cringed when you said it was like a kick to thr vagina. ...I understand your pain.

Yep...there are always a few of us lingering around here if you need to chat.

Is that even painful for girls? I can't imagine what that's like.

03-10-2014, 10:02 PM
Never been kicked but I did fall off a bike and landed vag first in to the bars under the seat area. That was excruciating.

03-10-2014, 10:03 PM
Hope you are doing well. I cringed when you said it was like a kick to thr vagina. ...I understand your pain. Yep...there are always a few of us lingering around here if you need to chat.

Thank you :)

03-10-2014, 10:11 PM
They are only anxiety meds, but that's as far as I think I can go. Hopefully that's good enough. I'm thinking that maybe by getting them into my system, my body will calm down and I hopefully *fingers crossed* will get some mind relief as well.

I hear you! I'm sitting here totally anxious, and why am I not taking my own anxiety meds? Ugh. I'm going to go do that right now. They do help me (if I take them!) - someone told me that if I keep the meds in my system so that my general anxiety state is lower, I won't go through the roof when an anxiety-provoking event happens, out of the blue. I don't want to be on the meds forever, but I know that I need them right now, while I'm working on other ways to conquer this. Best wishes to you ... I have kids too, and I hate for them to see me in such a state! I can't wait to get better, for them and for me.

03-11-2014, 03:16 AM
I hear you! I'm sitting here totally anxious, and why am I not taking my own anxiety meds? Ugh. I'm going to go do that right now. They do help me (if I take them!) - someone told me that if I keep the meds in my system so that my general anxiety state is lower, I won't go through the roof when an anxiety-provoking event happens, out of the blue. I don't want to be on the meds forever, but I know that I need them right now, while I'm working on other ways to conquer this. Best wishes to you ... I have kids too, and I hate for them to see me in such a state! I can't wait to get better, for them and for me.

You just had a ' Eureka!" moment

You just decided meds are so much better than feeling like shit

03-11-2014, 04:42 AM
You just had a ' Eureka!" moment You just decided meds are so much better than feeling like shit

Hi Mel,

You've got some really good advice here, can't add much that would be useful.

I just wanted you to know that I'm in your corner cheering you on!

You do go forward once you start thinking rationally. I saw it happen here! You go girl, and get off the "what if merry-go-round". Your going to be just fine! There is a point to everything.


03-11-2014, 04:51 AM
Take those kpins and let us know how you feel. I have experienced all the same thoughts as you. I often stare In the mirror and think ," is any of this even real?" ... Keep us posted! We're here for you!

03-11-2014, 08:05 AM
Thinking of you Melly!!
Give us an update today on how you're feeling too please...

Have a great day!!

Enduronman.. :)

03-11-2014, 03:58 PM
You just had a ' Eureka!" moment

You just decided meds are so much better than feeling like shit

Damn straight! I'm taking them regularly today. MUCH better.

Melly, hope you're doing well!