View Full Version : Clicking, Popping and Rushing in my Earss :(

03-10-2014, 06:05 PM
Hi everyone, I am new to this forum but certainly not new to anxiety but I am new to seeing/learning how much anxiety presents itself in physical forms; arrrg!

I have been diagnosed with PTSD, TMJ (jaw disjoint problem), Depression, GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder) and a few other things; one I had battled to the end and am now healed but I still suffer from anxiety.

I am on a Benzo called "Clonezepam" and have been coming off of it since the end of last year and it seemed to go well. While I was sick with the other things mentioned and the one unmentioned, I suffered constant popping, clicking and rushing in my ear and it drove me nuts. It went away for a while when I was healed of my unmentioned disorder (it's unmentioned for privacy reasons), which caused less stress.

Then, my stress increased with more drama and since then my ears started popping, clicking and rushing again....alll.....the.....time. I have seen Dr's who told me my ears are 100% fine and one told me to "stop thinking about it" and the others told me it was likely from anxiety.

So, I am stuck. I have heard from people on forums that coming off a Benzo can cause tinnitus symptoms but when I mentioned this to my Dr's they didn't support it.

So! Has anyone with anxiety had or have this? Is there ANYTHING I can do to stop this or help with it??

Please, I really thank you in advance for any help and in reading my post!


03-10-2014, 06:34 PM
Ears clicking and popping may also just be something as simple as a sinus infection or some sinus drainage too...it just depends on all of the symptoms at hand.


03-10-2014, 06:39 PM
Hi....get loud noise high pitched and general noise all the time...again every test in the book......anxiety is the problem it raises it's ugly head in any form you wish it to unfortunately ..


04-05-2014, 01:11 AM
I developed tinnitus thru my anxiety first thing every morning I check and there it is humming away. My doctor says it is a common symptom of anxiety your nervous system is hyper alert and you are prone to it. 6 months in now I have days where I don't notice it but on my anxiety peaks it re appears.

04-05-2014, 02:26 PM
my ears pop and click all the time. although I've never been diagnosed with anxiety everyone I know says that I am by far the most anxious person they have ever met.

don't worry about the clicking. its probably just the after effects of a cold or something. I have post nasal drip ( like a chronic cold) that's why my ears click. maybe you have a chronic cold too. its no biggie

04-05-2014, 03:55 PM
Hi....get loud noise high pitched and general noise all the time...again every test in the book......anxiety is the problem it raises it's ugly head in any form you wish it to unfortunately ..

No my dear it is tinnitus which comes as early as 40 years of age, many people have it , it is aging...I am sorry it is not anxiety. You are anxious so you are on alert and you hear it. People who listen the music all the time or they need the noise to sleep have it. I see bronson says what the doc said. Sometimes it is so amusing, they say everything to calm anxious patient. tinnitus is a degenaration of hearing device we have :))
Wax is causing it too especially when people use cotton swabs to clean the ears.
For the tinnitus visit the hearing forums (www.hearingaidsforum.com)