View Full Version : more medical related post that anxiety. just a warning

03-10-2014, 05:59 PM
Okay y'all, I know I'm posting a lot. But in hoping for that one person to come along with the same thing..and maybe a treatment!!

I am gluten free, eating healthy...although admittedly maybe not enough calories. Have dealt with bursts of fast heart rate...that used to scare me But now I just deal as needed. They haven't killed me. They won't..and it always stops. I've recently been having vertigo like symptoms but also blackout like symptoms. It feels like both put together, or I got kicked in the head. Had this for two days now. Can't get out of bed. The only thing that happens that I can grasp...is at the doctors...my heart rate..and blood pressure go up upon standing. Immediately will go from 87 resting heart rate...to 120 and will keep climbing. My blood pressure has went as high as 152/90 and as low as 88/52. Why all the variability??? I am laying in bed. And sometimes it's like my eyes don't catch up to me for a minute, or won't focus..and in dizzy. I struggle to find words.. anyways. I've been seen by multiple doctors. And all they can come up with is autonomic imbalance. Possibly pots, I don't feel like I am going to be harmed by this...unless in driving. Which I've been told no more driving. I hope one person out there...has a clue for me. I need to get better. Its been three months. Please any and all info would be helpful. I'm begging you. I don't want to lose my job. And my insurance. :/

03-10-2014, 06:06 PM
Have you ever had an hormonal checkup?

SS Mommy is considering going in a program to help hers.

Just a few of the things you've mentioned can come from hormonal balances, such as raised blood pressure upon standing, and slow eye sight.

03-10-2014, 06:23 PM
Hmmm...thats interesting. I have experienced slight spurts of vertigo and loss of focus...I went through the whole battery of tests.....tilt table....wires in my ears to check the inner ear, vision exam, MRI, etc..... only to be told it was all purely anxiety. After a while it kind of resolved itself. You could be right though, maybe it has to do with a fluctuation of hormones. Do you notice it more at certain times of the month?

03-10-2014, 07:12 PM
No it's never happend before, and its coming right after all this heart rate stuff, it really was the worst when I was in my car driving. It was like being hit in the head. I feel like I don't know how I didn't pass out. It wad weird. I just had my mirena iud removed a little over a month ago. I wonder if my natural hormones are out of whack.

03-11-2014, 06:31 PM
Went to the doctor today after an incident in the shower, now the list has gone to no driving and no hot showers. Lol! Doctor thinks I should see a neurologist... and got my b12...vitamin d...and folic acid tested, will find out the results tomorrow, I'm praying in deficient in vitamin d and can supplement or just an answer!! If that was the cause I'd probably run up and down the street screaming in happiness, and go ride a rollercoaster. And drive a racecar. Just sayin. I hate this bed. And I hate dizzy, eff you dizzy!!! #Endrant

03-11-2014, 06:38 PM
Enduronman rant told you that you terd!!!....grrr ruff ruff!!!! Remember the 38 hour chat on Facebook!!!??????

Get well, and take the damn vitamin!!!

End a Man... LOL!! :)

03-11-2014, 06:41 PM
I know...I know..lol But it would be nice if that was the solid end all be all answer. That would be a freaking miracle. I would be so happy!!!:):):)

03-11-2014, 06:56 PM
It is the end all be all of all and all of AB123's issues too!! No more heart blabbers!!!....LOL!
Yer funny, I like you...but....you WILL be pleased with what they find...
NUTRIENT DEFICIENCES GALORE and probably low sodium levels too.....
From: not eating! Twerp!...LOL!!!
You can't live on a grape and (1) piece of a taco shell....:)

03-11-2014, 07:06 PM
Lol!!! I wishhhhh!!! We will see. I've had the sodium potassium magnesium...and electrolytes done those are all perfect. I hope these answers lie in those tests. I'd be so happy to be rid of the crippling heart rate and dizzy. I'd be a new.person, Lol

03-11-2014, 08:02 PM
You're a new person every day AB!! That's why you're so unique and cool!!! :)

E-Man.. :)

03-11-2014, 10:24 PM
Thanks, that's the experiences I get with this monster, and when I say this monsters I really mean my body. Hahaha:)

03-12-2014, 06:28 AM
Make sure you tell your employer what is going on. You don't have to give them every little detail, but they at least will have the general idea of what's happening. I talked with my bosses about my anxiety and that I am getting therapy for it. They were more than willing to work with me to accomodate me. My one boss knows exatcly what I am going through since his wife has the exact same thing.

The varying heartrate and blood pressure is quite taxing. I get the racing heart/palpatations as well. Sometimes it knocks me on my ass, sometimes makes me dizzy but it goes away. The trick is not to fight it. Ride it out and let it do its thing. Use your resources to help you through it and before you know it, it will be all over and done with. With every time you make it through, you get stronger.

Hang in there. We got your back! :)

03-12-2014, 09:04 AM
Okay y'all, I know I'm posting a lot. But in hoping for that one person to come along with the same thing..and maybe a treatment!! I am gluten free, eating healthy...although admittedly maybe not enough calories. Have dealt with bursts of fast heart rate...that used to scare me But now I just deal as needed. They haven't killed me. They won't..and it always stops. I've recently been having vertigo like symptoms but also blackout like symptoms. It feels like both put together, or I got kicked in the head. Had this for two days now. Can't get out of bed. The only thing that happens that I can grasp...is at the doctors...my heart rate..and blood pressure go up upon standing. Immediately will go from 87 resting heart rate...to 120 and will keep climbing. My blood pressure has went as high as 152/90 and as low as 88/52. Why all the variability??? I am laying in bed. And sometimes it's like my eyes don't catch up to me for a minute, or won't focus..and in dizzy. I struggle to find words.. anyways. I've been seen by multiple doctors. And all they can come up with is autonomic imbalance. Possibly pots, I don't feel like I am going to be harmed by this...unless in driving. Which I've been told no more driving. I hope one person out there...has a clue for me. I need to get better. Its been three months. Please any and all info would be helpful. I'm begging you. I don't want to lose my job. And my insurance. :/

Hi ab123

How are you? I hope you're doing fine :)

I also have same problem like you and I've been dealing with it for 7 years. I feel your pain. Every time it comes, for about 15 minutes I couldn't see properly and the total blackout for 10 minutes, then the headache (worst pain ever!!) that lasts about 1 hour, and finally, I throw up everything inside my stomach and all the pains are gone. But it's not all of them. After that, I couldn't do anything and at least I have to stay on my bed about 2 until 3 days or not the vertigo comes back.

You know, there are a lot of causes for vertigo. One of them is food allergic. Most people that dealing with vertigo is having allergic to black chocolate. Maybe you notice something that you ate before the vertigo came?

There are a lot of treatment and drugs, but not to erase all the headache or any other symptoms. It only make the pain easier to handle. And the drug is depends on what kind of vertigo you're
having. The common one is BPPV (Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo). And also the common antivertigo drug is betahistine or the brand names are serc, betaserc (I use it). It improves the flow of blood and reduce a build-up of pressure and eases your symptoms.

I hope this is useful for you and also get well soon :). Have a nice day!

03-12-2014, 09:42 AM
How about asking your doc about 'orthostatic disturbance'? A disorder often found in young teenage girls.

03-12-2014, 12:05 PM
The vertigo is super New, it just hit me like a to of bricks when I was driving. And now comes in little waves ever since. I to have some orthostatic intolerance right now. But I deal... It's frustrating...the heart jumping up so high also is hard but that's not as hard as the dizziness because I Can't get up with that. Hopefully she will.prescribe me some meds today. Or have something helpful to say.. I just wanna be normal...my mind is there.. but ny body isn't. That's hard!

03-12-2014, 07:26 PM
Just got back from the doctors. We are now doing an Mri....and an mra (to look at blood flow of the brain) testing for chatecholmines levels to show..Maybe an adrenal gland tumor, excess adrenaline... also testing hormones and cortisol levels, it's so nice for my doctor to be on the same page as me. Really gives me hope, she is going to send me to different specialists once the test results come back...and she is finally looking outside the box. She said she will consult with all of her partners.. my vitamin d was 18. If anyone knows what that means. A little low but she said not to cause symptoms. B12 is normal...and folate. High. But she said high folate is fine. Any ideas??

03-12-2014, 07:32 PM
Just got back from the doctors. We are now doing an Mri....and an mra (to look at blood flow of the brain) testing for chatecholmines levels to show..Maybe an adrenal gland tumor, excess adrenaline... also testing hormones and cortisol levels, it's so nice for my doctor to be on the same page as me. Really gives me hope, she is going to send me to different specialists once the test results come back...and she is finally looking outside the box. She said she will consult with all of her partners.. my vitamin d was 18. If anyone knows what that means. A little low but she said not to cause symptoms. B12 is normal...and folate. High. But she said high folate is fine. Any ideas??

Are they testing/tested for thyroid?

Will be really interested to hear the results of the MRA I've never seen one done in the flesh.

03-12-2014, 07:32 PM
Awesome that she is spending so much time trying to get the bottom of things

So many here would love that doc

You are on the home stretch, Alaina

03-12-2014, 07:46 PM
They have tested thyroid, all normal,.nervous about the mri/ Mra. It doesn't sound like fun being confined like that. I am very thankful. She seems to really understand and she said she's been racking her brain all day before my appointment. I just wanna be back out of bed at this point. Lol.

03-12-2014, 09:38 PM
So is my level 18 vitamin d low. I know one of y'all knows. )

03-13-2014, 04:46 AM
Just got back from the doctors. We are now doing an Mri....and an mra (to look at blood flow of the brain) testing for chatecholmines levels to show..Maybe an adrenal gland tumor, excess adrenaline... also testing hormones and cortisol levels, it's so nice for my doctor to be on the same page as me. Really gives me hope, she is going to send me to different specialists once the test results come back...and she is finally looking outside the box. She said she will consult with all of her partners.. my vitamin d was 18. If anyone knows what that means. A little low but she said not to cause symptoms. B12 is normal...and folate. High. But she said high folate is fine. Any ideas??


I'm so glad you have a good doctor, she obviously wants to get to the bottom of all this and help you!

Good luck with the tests you will figure this out.

Your attitude is contageous and admirable!!!

Here's to better days for you.

03-13-2014, 11:06 AM
Thanks Pam, it took me three months to have this attitude. Here's the funny part. When I started seeing my doctor when I was calm. She started to see my symptoms for what they were. And now she's looking outside the box. And she's hilarious. I was like this is just bull shit. And she says.,your right, this is fucking bullshit. Lol it made me laugh. It was nice for her to be on my side.