View Full Version : Dizzy spells

03-10-2014, 04:07 PM
I hate these dizzy spells. How do I know that it's anxiety and nothing serious ? Thanks

03-10-2014, 04:29 PM
I get them when my blood sugar drops.
No I am not diabetic..body just gets slightly hypoglycemic...
Body just needs carbs, then it dissapates and subsides...
Next time youre having them, drink some orange juice or eat half a banana...

Hope that helps!
Have a good day too...

Enduronman.. :)

03-10-2014, 05:02 PM
I get vertigo type dizziness. Not fuzzy head. Is there a difference?Like lose your balance fall into something...but also took spinning. Anyone else get this?

03-10-2014, 06:55 PM
I get vertigo type dizziness. Not fuzzy head. Is there a difference?Like lose your balance fall into something...but also took spinning. Anyone else get this?

I experience something similar to what you describe, although it's mostly related to a long term issue with my inner ear, it is worse when I'm over tired and sometimes hangs around for a while.

Have your ears checked, although you may not feel pain/blocked with your hearing, a common cause of episodes of imbalance is Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo, basically tiny crystallised fragments floating around in the fluid in the labyrinth, causing imbalance (generally when the head changes position) It's far more common than most people would think.

There is a technique called "The Epley Manouver" that is really effective in reducing the symptoms (there are several examples on YouTube)

Normally dizziness caused by anxiety typically presents as "lightheaded" due to the usual assault on the nervous system. Imbalance or true "vertigo" (room spinning and nausea) is in the majority of cases a condition effecting the inner ear (which can trigger panic, but not caused by it).

Hope that helps Alaina. :)

03-10-2014, 07:15 PM
It totally helps.thank you. I don't get a fuzzy head feeling except with anxiety and that doesn't bug me. I just get scared it'd my heart just having a sudden change resulting in a loss of blood pressure or slowness of heartbeat. But I've never had any reason to believe that. And I know anxiety can amplify things. So difficult. Losing balance. And being told not to drive is pretty frightening

03-10-2014, 07:28 PM
It totally helps.thank you. I don't get a fuzzy head feeling except with anxiety and that doesn't bug me. I just get scared it'd my heart just having a sudden change resulting in a loss of blood pressure or slowness of heartbeat. But I've never had any reason to believe that. And I know anxiety can amplify things. So difficult. Losing balance. And being told not to drive is pretty frightening

Even fluctuations in BP would only really again cause "lightheaded/fainting" type experience, if you lose balance/falling highly likely it's something to do with the ear".

Common practice in the UK (as it's free and puts the economy under great pressure), is to write it off as "medically unexplained", I.e. Unless you have any outward signs of neurological issues, they opt for "ears" and then "anxiety", because unless it's presented as very specific symptoms of a specific condition they can't give an accurate diagnosis, and therefore waste of time and money.

Where people are paying, they run every test going.

My advice would be to start with the "Epley" see if that starts to improve things if not continue research.

(The majority of vertigo symptoms in this country are generally treated by physiotherapists rather than GP's, unfortunately it's equally as unlikely to get a clear diagnosis from a GP as if you were to tell them "occasionally my skin tingles" )

Best of luck as always :)

03-10-2014, 07:36 PM
Much appreciated. If it's my inner ear bring it on. I can handle that. Heart stuff,. I Can't. Lol. Did I mention that I get pulsatile tinnitus really bad. Every single. Day? Sorry to take over the thread.

03-10-2014, 08:28 PM
I experience something similar to what you describe, although it's mostly related to a long term issue with my inner ear, it is worse when I'm over tired and sometimes hangs around for a while.

Have your ears checked, although you may not feel pain/blocked with your hearing, a common cause of episodes of imbalance is Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo, basically tiny crystallised fragments floating around in the fluid in the labyrinth, causing imbalance (generally when the head changes position) It's far more common than most people would think.

There is a technique called "The Epley Manouver" that is really effective in reducing the symptoms (there are several examples on YouTube)

Normally dizziness caused by anxiety typically presents as "lightheaded" due to the usual assault on the nervous system. Imbalance or true "vertigo" (room spinning and nausea) is in the majority of cases a condition effecting the inner ear (which can trigger panic, but not caused by it).

Hope that helps Alaina. :)

Thanks for the tip 14, my vertigo returned after 6 or 7 years of sleeping.......Can not turn my head up or turn in bed with closed eyes. What you are saying the specialist told me that something is floating in my right ear, it never letf.....completely and is back, will see you tube for that:)

03-10-2014, 09:24 PM
I've had them for 2 years now and they are awful. Make me feel really off balance

03-10-2014, 10:23 PM
I hate these dizzy spells. How do I know that it's anxiety and nothing serious ? Thanks

I have been dealing with the same issues lately. I noticed a pattern of recurrence that begins with me having to stand still for long periods of time - like waiting in line - also an anxiety trigger. It has led to me promptly sitting down (wherever I may be) because I know I am about to faint. The thing is that panic attacks (my main foe) should have the opposite affect. They are trying to get your body mobile and ready to run, not making you pass out.

So I am currently at my local walk in clinic awaiting the results of recent blood tests to determine what is going on. My doctor picked up a significant difference in blood pressure between me being seated vs standing.

It is a common anxiety related issue, so I am not sure what I am expecting.

03-11-2014, 02:13 AM
I have been dealing with the same issues lately. I noticed a pattern of recurrence that begins with me having to stand still for long periods of time - like waiting in line - also an anxiety trigger. It has led to me promptly sitting down (wherever I may be) because I know I am about to faint. The thing is that panic attacks (my main foe) should have the opposite affect. They are trying to get your body mobile and ready to run, not making you pass out. So I am currently at my local walk in clinic awaiting the results of recent blood tests to determine what is going on. My doctor picked up a significant difference in blood pressure between me being seated vs standing. It is a common anxiety related issue, so I am not sure what I am expecting.

How did you go at the dr???

03-11-2014, 06:56 AM
Yes what did he say?

03-11-2014, 08:58 AM
awaiting a reply....

E-Man... :)