View Full Version : Anxiety whilst driving

03-10-2014, 12:15 PM
Hi everyone I have a very long drive to make on Saturday. I'm taking my son to his dance competition 160 miles away. I'm really nervous driver anyway but now this trip is getting closer I'm getting myself more and more nervous.
Has anyone got any tips or ideas on how to cope on the drive?
I really don't want to have to take any extra beta blockers as they can make me tired.
Any advice would be really appreciated.

03-10-2014, 12:31 PM
Distractions distractions distractions!!!! Anticipatory anxiety is bad :( I have a flight in may and just the thought of it sends me into a wild panicky state.

In the car you can try playing car games with your child.. making regular stops and getting fresh air and stretching (being in a car is a bit claustro) .. putting on music loud and singing a long with it.. dont allow your mind the chance to even think irrational things..

03-10-2014, 01:22 PM
Some exxxceeelllllent advice throughout this entire page to a point where I can just say, you know you got this friend!!.

Enjoy the trip too, not realll long to begin with. Maybe 2 hours, not a big deal...

We're here if you need us!!

E-Man... :)

03-10-2014, 01:34 PM
Damn. Driving is my distraction. I forget all about my anxiety when driving, which is great.

However, great advice has been given and I think you got this! Good luck! :)

03-10-2014, 02:34 PM
Thanks for all your amazing advice! I do drive locally it's just the motorways that scare me lol.
Though to be fair I've probably faced worse in the morning school runs.

Thanks forwells for reminding me of CBT!
It's easy to forget the techniques sometimes.

You have all given me that extra confidence that I CAN do this, and I will get us there safely and Luke is going to have an amazing time! Without me being snappy in the car and being a nervous wreck!

Car game suggestions anyone?
Yellow car- mini is about the only one I know