View Full Version : Need advice/help asap

03-10-2014, 09:35 AM
Hi guys! My name is Connor I'm 20 years old and I have some questions concerning my anxiety. I'm hoping that some of you can relate because right now I feel so hopeless and alone in this fight. I had my first episode of anxiety about 9 months ago when I tried smoking weed for the first time and it made me slip into a few panic attacks that I've never had before and when I started feeling different the next few days due to my panic attacks, I wasn't used to that feeling and it made me focus on my anxiety more and more because I wasn't sure what the feeling was at all. For months after that I was dizzy, confused, derealized, and overall worried about everything. But, eventually the dizziness stopped and everything became live-able again. I would still get a lot of anxiety feelings but as much of the physical symptoms such as dizziness and foggy head. Anyway, the past few weeks I was having more visuable disturbances and if a room was lit too bright or too dim that would really throw me off and it was really hard to look at anything and that lead to increased anxiety. On Friday I went to a doctor and he prescribed me Lexapro 10mg to get me started back on the right path. The first day I took the Lexapro it made me feel very numb and emotionless and I felt high in the same way I did 9 months ago when I tried weed and it threw me into a few panic attacks that day. Since Friday I have been still feeling very strange, heavy headed, brain fog, dizzy, confused and unable to do things with my family because I am not acting myself. By the way my family does not help at all and actually thinks I'm crazy and is throwing around the word "Schizophrenic" which scares the crap out of me because it makes me feel like I actually am a Schizophrenic. I haven't been able to keep any food down because of the nausea and I have probably gotten a collective of 15 hours of sleep in the past 3 nights and some of my worst anxiety is coming from the night when I am trying to sleep and sleeping in has basically become a thing of the past as my anxiety gets a hold of me bright and early and makes sleeping past 8 impossible. I'm able to get my mind off of my anxiety for amounts of time and I feel more like myself but then come the intrusive thoughts that make it all come back. All throughout the day my head is soooo heavy and I feel like I can fall asleep anywhere but I know that if I try to fall asleep I can't. I am physically and mentally exhausted and I need your help. I'm worried that if Lexapro made me feel numb and high that any other anti-anxiety drug is basically going to do the same or make the problem worse. I have gotten to the point where I can fight off a panic attack by just telling myself that it's not real so that is good. Based off of some of my symptoms it seems as if I have Migraine without headache as well but I'm not sure. So here are my symptoms/questions.

Sweaty hands
Increased heartbeat
Lightheaded and Heavy headed
Extreme light sensitivity
Extremely hard to focus on anything with my eyes
Intrusive thoughts
Very tense
Jaw cracks and jaw tension
Ear fullness
Occasional headache deriving from my sinus area
Pain in the back of my head in my neck and above
Pain in my heart from being overworked too hard
Mental exhaustion
Eye fatigue

Is it possible that the Lexapro is still in my system after I took it ONE TIME on Friday and is still causing me insomnia and some of these physical symptoms?
If Lexapro made me feel this weird should I even bother trying to go on any kind of other drug?
I see a lot of people talk about trying Chlortrimeton and that eases their anxiety, could that work for me?
Based off what I've told you what would some of you say is my problem and how can I fix it?


03-10-2014, 10:42 AM
It takes a while for Lexapro to start working with your receptors and build up in your system. This maybe related to something else. I would see your doc again and get some tests done.

03-10-2014, 10:43 AM
hi there.i used to be like that and now currently dealing with dr. anyway dont worry. lexapro is great it gave my life back.ok it makes u numb but trust me u need to be numb for some time.it will make u forget and feel better. but peace comes with a price.bearing the side effects for like 2 weeks.i did it.it was bad but i managed it.just go on living.i dont know if u can control anxiety and dr without meds.for me it was impossible.

03-10-2014, 10:45 AM
feel free to contact in case of a question.i now i can help :).

03-10-2014, 10:46 AM
I see you double posted. I answered your question in your other thread:


Don't wanna copy and paste a long reply into this thread, as everyone's already given some good answers :)

03-10-2014, 10:51 AM
Hey, I've had those same exact symptoms as you not that long ago. Just hold in there, it will get better!