View Full Version : Heart

03-10-2014, 08:39 AM
I sometimes experience heart pulpations. I don't feel dizzy or nausea but I do feel like I can't breath anymore and I have to sit down for a few seconds to pass.
After these pulpations I feel a sort of pain around my chest for the rest of the day and I wonder if this is something serious or just another symptom of anxiety.

It is really terifying because to me it feels like I am having a heartattack. I am really afraid that there is something wrong with my heart. I feel like I can't do any exorcises or movement at all in fear of feeling your heart racing again. Should I be worried by this because I am now even afraid to go outside in fear of a heartattack.

03-10-2014, 08:47 AM
I too have a fear of this, but after I started taking my meds and got my anxiety some what in control my heart palps stop for the most part. I don't drink caffeine, and I stay away from any sugars as much as I can.

If you're really worried, just go have a check up with your doctor if you haven't. I'm sure you're ok :)

03-10-2014, 08:48 AM
Chest pains, palps.. quite common with anxiety, and quite scary as I've been there! ..But firstly, have you had a check up from the doc? I'm sure it's nothing serious, but we can say that all day to ourselves and not believe it. So the reason to get a check up is that it will really help put the mind at ease; it certainly helped me to go to the doc and hear from him, "You have a healthy heart."

Yes, it is quite terrifying to the point you are afraid to move --But you shouldn't be worried! Easier said than done, right? But more than likely it is anxiety.

03-10-2014, 11:07 AM
I had a heart check 3 years ago but they found nothing back then.

I just want to be totally sure that there is nothing wrong with my heart so I think I will go to the doctor to monitor my heart longer than a few seconds to see that there is nothing wrong. I think only after that I can become calm about it.
Thank you for the advice.

Yes it is indeed terrifying and I think only a check up can calm my mind. I just really hope it is nothing serious.
I don't drink any caffeine or eat a lot a sugar (I also don't drink soda) But I rather stay away from medicine because last time I tried, it only made my panic worse.