View Full Version : A little help from my friends.....

03-10-2014, 07:02 AM
Hi Gang!

Well proof positive exists that just when you think this beast is safely in its box.....Boom! It kicks the lid open!

So, I've been feeling off with this time change thing, always makes me feel rough for a week or so....went to work this morning....feeling hung over but I don't drink (booze, that clarification is for you Eman, not leaving myself open to quick remarks, I've learned! Lol).

45 minutes in, day going ok then BANG! It hits!!! Head swimming, kind of dizzy, surreal feeling of watching this happen to you, nausea, thinking your intestinal tract has instantly turned to liquid. Heart rate goes up somewhat. And a dash to the bathroom, not sure which end stuff is going to come out of .

Yup, just when you think you have it made....

Came home, going to have a nap, took 1/2 diazepam (helps too with muscle spasms in low back ). Feeling quite a bit better just writing this. Need my pals here to remind me of all those things in my bag of tricks I have and use!

Thanks for reading my rambling ....,
Still a little shaky and the floaters are driving me mad, but it's not snowing so I don't have to shoot myself! Lol

03-10-2014, 07:10 AM
My head is swimming too I gotta go to the court house!!! OH NO!!!! Fille some damn papers to try to keep this house...(sigh)

Make today a good day!! Just took my meds after 3 hours sleep,..so we'll see how that works out.. LMAO!!


Col. Enduronman.. :)

03-10-2014, 07:12 AM
Hi Gang!

Well proof positive exists that just when you think this beast is safely in its box.....Boom! It kicks the lid open!

So, I've been feeling off with this time change thing, always makes me feel rough for a week or so....went to work this morning....feeling hung over but I don't drink (booze, that clarification is for you Eman, not leaving myself open to quick remarks, I've learned! Lol).

45 minutes in, day going ok then BANG! It hits!!! Head swimming, kind of dizzy, surreal feeling of watching this happen to you, nausea, thinking your intestinal tract has instantly turned to liquid. Heart rate goes up somewhat. And a dash to the bathroom, not sure which end stuff is going to come out of .

Yup, just when you think you have it made....

Came home, going to have a nap, took 1/2 diazepam (helps too with muscle spasms in low back ). Feeling quite a bit better just writing this. Need my pals here to remind me of all those things in my bag of tricks I have and use!

Thanks for reading my rambling ....,
Still a little shaky and the floaters are driving me mad, but it's not snowing so I don't have to shoot myself! Lol

AND.....Thank you for clarifying as you know I can pick up on the tiniest possible probable causes...LMAO!!...

SMILE General Pam!!!..

:D It won't hurt, I promise......

03-10-2014, 07:15 AM
AND.....Thank you for clarifying as you know I can pick up on the tiniest possible probable causes...LMAO!!... SMILE General Pam!!!.. :D It won't hurt, I promise......

:D. Smiling! Smiling! Smiling!!! Can I stop now? My cheeks hurt!

03-10-2014, 07:24 AM
Ah Pam, that stinks hugely. You've been feeling so positive. I guess these times we have to ride it out, go with the flow, stay near a bathroom lol, not laughing at you Hun, I'm in the same boat and let's say it together.....damn eye floaters! F... Off! The good news is we know it always passes. Watch some funny useless you tube stuff. It will help you smile through your shitty day. Forwells put some good stuff up on the fun thread too. X

So true my friend! Feel better too! X

03-10-2014, 09:43 AM
Hi Pam it is just small set back, for a while, and you will be ok, :))

03-10-2014, 10:21 AM
Hi Pam it is just small set back, for a while, and you will be ok, :))

Thanks Dahila! I know it'd going to be ok. I just hate the feeling when your napping and out of the blue get that adrenalin rush and wake up all stupid and edgy! :(