View Full Version : Work anxiety/coping mechanisms

03-10-2014, 05:19 AM
I wont go into detail, but I dread my job so so bad. It makes me angry and nauseous just thinking about it. I have to grit my teeth and get through it though. I was wondering if you guys have any coping mechanisms you use to get through stuff. Like at work I'll write down each hour and cross through them after they pass. Any others? My shifts are usually 6-8 hours long. I'm a cashier. I have one today from 10-5 and I'm freaking out so bad. Help please. I feel like I'm going crazy here.

03-10-2014, 06:17 AM
Some thoughts:
1. A new job that you don't despise doing.
2. Some good medications to help you through the job that you have, if there are no others available..
3. Have fun with the cashier position that you have, think of the movie Employee of the Month...they made it fun. Watch it if you have not seen it...
4. You look like a really sweet and kind cashier, so use that charm that you hide....even if it's not real, make it appear real...
Just some thoughts friend

Have a great day, or at least...just try too make the best of it! :)

Enduronman... :D

03-10-2014, 08:46 AM
I wont go into detail, but I dread my job so so bad. It makes me angry and nauseous just thinking about it. I have to grit my teeth and get through it though. I was wondering if you guys have any coping mechanisms you use to get through stuff. Like at work I'll write down each hour and cross through them after they pass. Any others? My shifts are usually 6-8 hours long. I'm a cashier. I have one today from 10-5 and I'm freaking out so bad. Help please. I feel like I'm going crazy here.

Hi Jessica!

Gee what you describe makes me think you work somewhere like Walmart. I say that because i do and I see these symptoms with many cashiers in my store.

First, let me tell you I totally respect what you do! Being a cashier is one tough job! You deal with the following on a daily basis;
- nasty customers who whine, bitch and complain for any variety of reasons the least of which has anything to do with you!
- unreasonable management who whine, bitch or complain that you aren't ringing customers through fast enough, or any variety of things that their bosses have chosen to dump on them for the day. Shit rolls downhill and usually land on the cashier!
- you are expected to be bright and cheery every day, after all, you are last experience the customer has with the store and it better be a good one. Bullshit I say to that, we all have off days!

Anyway, it's a lot of pressure on you!!! No wonder you are anxious and dreading every shift. So....what to do about it?

As Eman replied, change jobs, find something you love to do. Not an option? Ok, volunteer to your management to do other projects within the store, but be willing to go back to the cash when it gets busy. With time you can be the "go to" person and open up many other opportunities for yourself.

Practice the art of subtle sarcasm....a good "have a nice day" to that jackass you just rang through, can work wonders. And let the experience go, don't rethink the experience so that it ruins your day. Don't give them that power!

Leave your job at work when you go home. Your job is not your whole world, nor should it be. Focus on the good in your life.

A few words of wisdom from an old retail hound! (Not a word Eman! :P)

Good luck, were here to help!

03-10-2014, 11:37 AM
Get a new job that you don't hate. I know that's MUCH easier said than done. But it's important if you're going to have a fulfilling life. You might not find it today, or tomorrow, or next week, or next month. But start the search. Set your sights high and never, ever, ever give up until you've achieved what you want.

Your dread and anxiety are telling you something--LISTEN to them.

03-14-2014, 09:25 PM
Thanks for all your replies guys!!! I appreciate it so very much! Right now this job is my best option so a new one is out. I'm still struggling, but I'm trying to focus on the positives. And just get through this shift by shift. I think it's just me. My job isn't that bad. I shouldn't despise it so much. I guess that's just life with anxiety though. :(