View Full Version : Help me get through my child is sick

03-10-2014, 12:55 AM
My son appears to have asthma that is only exacerbated by chest colds. Today it got really bad so we came to the ER. The ambulance ride was very stressful had sick stomach the whole time. Major nerves. Then had adrenaline surges later while in the ER room. Diarrhea and then my teeth clamping and chattering. Anyone ever had that one? Took an Ativan and now laying next to him. Hubby had to go home and I really need him here to support me but there are two other kids to take care of.

03-10-2014, 01:20 AM
I'm really sorry about what happened to your son today.. I hope he's feeling better now. That's a really stressful situation to go through, and really scary too, no wonder your body reacted that way! I think that's normal considering what all has happened and the anxiety makes your brain and your body react much more. Just like 2 weeks ago my car broke down and it was late at night. Right before I left to drive home I was dealing with a lot of anxiety and I didn't drive until I felt that I was calm enough to drive.. Anyways, my car broke down and I was starting to have a panic attack, especially when a police car pulled up behind me. I was really shaking and my teeth were chattering and I couldn't speak and I was breathing fast... Anyways.. All of that to say that i think our anxiety makes stressful situations like what your going through, it makes our minds and bodies react in such strong ways. Hold in there.. Everything will be alright. Your son is going to be taken care of by the doctors and you'll feel better soon as well. Know how you are feeling but don't be afraid of it.. Just know that it's just for a moment and that it will pass. The best of luck for you, your son, and your family :)

03-10-2014, 01:49 AM
Thank you. He is getting some healing rest. I just wish I could!