View Full Version : Is this dp/dr?

03-09-2014, 07:15 PM
I've been getting some lightheaded/dizzy feelings lately and they are usually accompanied by weird thoughts of me questioning the meaning of life, thinking it's meaningless, etc. etc. When I get the feelings if I look around me it feels like I'm somewhat in a dream, and when I look at people they seem so weird or strange, and I often start thinking things like wow look how pointless this is - for example if I'm looking at a bunch of people sitting at tables in a bar. It's a strange and very scary feeling, life seems so unfamiliar-ish.

The thoughts accompany the feeling, and the feeling often accompanies the thoughts. I can ignore the feelings and thoughts when I'm out having fun, but sometimes when I go to think of just about anything I feel like they are just lurking in the back of my mind. I'm pretty sure I have pure O, I had obsessive thoughts about suicide that scared the shit out of me for a while but those went away. However, these feelings I've been getting lately make me feel like I'm actually suicidal, or maybe depressed - but I don't think I am. I can still laugh and have fun. I had a beer or two yesterday and it completely relieved these feelings I've been having.

I feel like if this weird unexplainable feeling went away I'd be perfectly fine, because I haven't been having any anxiety outside of these stupid feelings.

Advice is much appreciated.

03-09-2014, 07:23 PM
Hi Michael33, I understand exactly what you are going through. I am experiencing the same thing. I also have pure o, but It was about hurting others. I am obsessing over the weird dreamlike feelings now though. And I too question the meaning of life, why am I here, is this even real, do I even exist. I think it naturally goes away on its own if you don't focus on it too much. It's hard not to though because it's a nasty feeling accompanied by nasty thoughts. I hope you feel better, and know you are not alone.

03-09-2014, 07:33 PM
Thanks a lot for your reply. I've read that you should ignore these feelings, but they are so scary for me and so hard to ignore. They are probably even harder to ignore than my Pure O self harm thoughts were.

03-09-2014, 08:03 PM
Thanks a lot for your reply. I've read that you should ignore these feelings, but they are so scary for me and so hard to ignore. They are probably even harder to ignore than my Pure O self harm thoughts were.

I agree! Actually I was thinking today that I'd rather have the harm thoughts rather then these thoughts about my reality. They are hard to ignore but I know that's the key to getting rid of them.