View Full Version : Why why why

Niicole Lynne
03-09-2014, 02:04 PM
Hey all... Hope everyone is doing well
Truth be told things have been good lately... Better than good 80% of the time which is a vast improvement

Unfortunately today is one of those not so good days. I feel angry at myself and I just wanna cry. I hate my fear of dying. It's so redundant because it's the one thing I can't escape.... My boyfriend had to go back home today (I'm visiting family an hour away) and one of my triggers is being alone/sleeping alone so I'm sure that is why my obsessive thoughts over my fear are erupting. I also have a job interview tomorrow so I'm sure stress is contributing
I'm just so damn mad at myself :(

If anyone has had any feelings like this or some kind words I do always read and appreciate them so much because even though I have unconditional support around me they still don't always understand

I also have a question.
A few times this week (3x) I took my pills slightly later than I have been trying to during the week. Between half hour and an hour later and iv noticed those days r when I'm not that great
Could there be a connection? I'm new to these meds and I'm just not sure :(
Any feedback on this as well would be great

Thanks guys :)

03-09-2014, 02:14 PM
Why Why Why, Delilah.

Thread title made me think of some classic Tom Jones :)

Quick first firstly, what meds are you on?

Niicole Lynne
03-09-2014, 02:15 PM
Why Why Why, Delilah. Thread title made me think of some classic Tom Jones :) Quick first firstly, what meds are you on?

LOL :) nice
And I am taking Venlafaxine (Effexor) 150mg

03-09-2014, 02:33 PM
*Quick question firstly. I meant to write. :)

Ooo Effexor. A very impatient med!

It can slightly affect you actually if you leave it a bit later to take it.

Within an hour, it's unlikely, but with those short half life meds, you can never rule anything out. Maybe your mind is just making connections to try and backward rationalize the randomness of anxiety?

Good luck with your interview!

Stress and anxiety are horrible combinations, never possible to avoid though. When I get stressed now, I notice a little bit of OCD poke it's head around my corner. Thankfully CBT skills and stress busting activities keep it well away. That'll happen for you soon too. You'll notice these days become few and far between over time. Do I have any ideas to get you through them now? Sadly not.

But if you you use these bad days as practice; practice in not entertaining negative thoughts, or anxious thoughts -- then you're gonna help weaken the neurological pathways in your brain that keep the anxiety and stress going.

Although it's not easy, and won't be that successful at first, it will be over time, you'll see your practice paying you back.

One way of not entertaining them, is to say 'Some stress is in my body, that's ok, I'm just gonna listen to some Tom Jones' :)


03-09-2014, 02:42 PM
Hey all... Hope everyone is doing well Truth be told things have been good lately... Better than good 80% of the time which is a vast improvement Unfortunately today is one of those not so good days. I feel angry at myself and I just wanna cry. I hate my fear of dying. It's so redundant because it's the one thing I can't escape.... My boyfriend had to go back home today (I'm visiting family an hour away) and one of my triggers is being alone/sleeping alone so I'm sure that is why my obsessive thoughts over my fear are erupting. I also have a job interview tomorrow so I'm sure stress is contributing I'm just so damn mad at myself :( If anyone has had any feelings like this or some kind words I do always read and appreciate them so much because even though I have unconditional support around me they still don't always understand I also have a question. A few times this week (3x) I took my pills slightly later than I have been trying to during the week. Between half hour and an hour later and iv noticed those days r when I'm not that great Could there be a connection? I'm new to these meds and I'm just not sure :( Any feedback on this as well would be great Thanks guys :)

Nicole , you are a very intuitive lady. Correct me if I am wrong but you are on Effexor are you not?

Spent the better part of 10 years on Effexor and it really really helped. BUT....and this is HUGE. You have to be fanatical taking this med at the same time every single day! It had a very short half life and you can feel out of sorts for a couple of days until you balance off again if you miss the timing of it.
So , in answer to your question....YES there is massive connection !

Good luck with your interview, you're going to do great!

Any time you want to talk about this med, I'm here for you!

03-09-2014, 02:45 PM
*Quick question firstly. I meant to write. :)

Ooo Effexor. A very impatient med!

It can slightly affect you actually if you leave it a bit later to take it.

Within an hour, it's unlikely, but with those short half life meds, you can never rule anything out. Maybe your mind is just making connections to try and backward rationalize the randomness of anxiety?

Good luck with your interview!

Stress and anxiety are horrible combinations, never possible to avoid though. When I get stressed now, I notice a little bit of OCD poke it's head around my corner. Thankfully CBT skills and stress busting activities keep it well away. That'll happen for you soon too. You'll notice these days become few and far between over time. Do I have any ideas to get you through them now? Sadly not.

But if you you use these bad days as practice; practice in not entertaining negative thoughts, or anxious thoughts -- then you're gonna help weaken the neurological pathways in your brain that keep the anxiety and stress going.

Although it's not easy, and won't be that successful at first, it will be over time, you'll see your practice paying you back.

One way of not entertaining them, is to say 'Some stress is in my body, that's ok, I'm just gonna listen to some Tom Jones' :)


I hope you can conquer this fear in due time Nicole, and you will too..
I do know that the effeoxor has shown to be at time, agitating..and other times, calming...it is all just a matter of when you take it and how (with or without food)..
Best of luck with your interview tomorrow to friend!! I'm sure that when tomorrow comes, you'll be just fine..yes, just a tad bit of stress there too...
Have a great day Nicole!! We're always here if you need someone to talk too..just wish I had the chat feature but at the moment I don't (server issues)...

Enduronman... :)

03-09-2014, 02:47 PM
Nicole , you are a very intuitive lady. Correct me if I am wrong but you are on Effexor are you not?

Spent the better part of 10 years on Effexor and it really really helped. BUT....and this is HUGE. You have to be fanatical taking this med at the same time every single day! It had a very short half life and you can feel out of sorts for a couple of days until you balance off again if you miss the timing of it.
So , in answer to your question....YES there is massive connection !

Good luck with your interview, you're going to do great!

Any time you want to talk about this med, I'm here for you!

Awesome!!! :)

03-09-2014, 03:04 PM
Nicole you are not alone, you have us, and remember it in the moment of loneliness :))

Niicole Lynne
03-09-2014, 05:46 PM
Thank you all so much Jesse, Pam, Eman and Dahila <3 thank you for the med information and for the kind words. It truly does help a lot
I am going to try and be more careful with this medication because it has seemed to help me a lot when iv been very strict with it.

And as for my fear Eman... I do too
I'm thinking of looking into CBT or talking to my therapist about it

You people are wonderful. I truly think so.
Thanks for taking the time to help me with my battle.

Another question
What do u mean by half life med?

03-09-2014, 06:07 PM
basically just means how long it takes the medication to lose it's effectiveness and how long it would generally take to be out of your system...If the med says half life 11 hours, then usually you will feel the effects of the medications designed plan for that half life...I think. LOL!! :)

Enduronman... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biological_half-life

It may sound very complicated...because there are different half lifes...

03-09-2014, 06:09 PM
Thank you all so much Jesse, Pam, Eman and Dahila <3 thank you for the med information and for the kind words. It truly does help a lot I am going to try and be more careful with this medication because it has seemed to help me a lot when iv been very strict with it. And as for my fear Eman... I do too I'm thinking of looking into CBT or talking to my therapist about it You people are wonderful. I truly think so. Thanks for taking the time to help me with my battle. Another question What do u mean by half life med?

Half life refers to the time the meds clears your system. In the case of antidepressants, a long half life means it is very forgiving when you miss or take a dose late. The shorter the half life the uglier you feel if it's late missed.

One other suggestion, try to take it before bed, if you happen to forget it and take it in the morning you only have a couple of hours to endure until you start to feel right.

I have been where you are and on the same meds. and am so happy that I can be of help. Ask away I've seen it tall with this stuff!

Niicole Lynne
03-09-2014, 06:22 PM
Right now I'm taking the 150 in the morning together around 830

My doctor told me if I felt it was to much to take 1 in the morning and 1 at night but I havent felt like it's been bad

I know ur not a doctor or whatever but what kinda dosing do u recommend or worked for u (don't worry I would talk to my doc before changing anything haha) just curious more so

Niicole Lynne
03-09-2014, 06:23 PM
My question was for Pam ^^ hahaha

And thanks Frankie!

03-09-2014, 06:32 PM
I took all mine ...225 in one shot at bed time. Didn't run the risk of forgetting one or the other if it was split up. Fewer side effects for me,