View Full Version : Does anyone else have these vision problems with their anxiety ?

03-09-2014, 08:11 AM
Hi. My name is Paul and I am 24 years old.

I suffer from Anxiety and have done for some years. However I tried to end my life inhaling bbq fumes, in October last year which I regret.

However ever since then my eyesight has been deteriorating every month or so. It became darker then darker again, fuzzier, halos around lights have increased, hazier and I can see object and light afterimages and when I look up and down things objects seem to bounce as well. Also some objects seem darker and others lighter.

I have seen an ophthalmologist and had an OCT test, slit lamp exam and two VEP tests. All of them were normal. However what I do not understand is why they are getting worse.

I understand vision comes from the CNS, but I am not too sure whether there are any tests that are available that can test that

Does anyone have any suggestions or know of anymore eye tests? It might be psychological or from the toxins I inhaled but I'm still quite scared I'm losing my sight.

03-09-2014, 09:17 AM
I'm not an eye doctor, but vision disturbances are related to anxiety. As another user here pointed out, there's thosands of nerves between your eyes and ears.

I also know that during the fight or flight response, the eyes make things brighter so we can focus on danger, as with the surreal feeling to help us focus in on battle, or to flee the incident. So when you're not in a situation where fight or flight is available, and you're having an attack, you kind of just don't know what the fck is going on.