View Full Version : Newly single

03-09-2014, 04:52 AM
Yesterday I split up with my bf of 2 and a half years. He didn't look after me or make time for me. My anxiety was getting worse n worse coz I was always trying to b the perfect gf n make him happy bt I wasn't happy n he stopped coming over n spending more time drinking with his mates. He said he understood but he never seemed to be around.

He would help me via txt if I was panicking but that was it I would sit crying n he would stare wouldn't even cuddle me.

Anyway. Iv split up with him n spent the whole day crying yesterday n then I went to bed n I had a panic attack I was trembling n felt dizzy. Today I feel no better if not worse I feel empty n lost n alone :(.

03-09-2014, 04:57 AM
Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

03-09-2014, 06:49 AM
Yesterday I split up with my bf of 2 and a half years. He didn't look after me or make time for me. My anxiety was getting worse n worse coz I was always trying to b the perfect gf n make him happy bt I wasn't happy n he stopped coming over n spending more time drinking with his mates. He said he understood but he never seemed to be around. He would help me via txt if I was panicking but that was it I would sit crying n he would stare wouldn't even cuddle me. Anyway. Iv split up with him n spent the whole day crying yesterday n then I went to bed n I had a panic attack I was trembling n felt dizzy. Today I feel no better if not worse I feel empty n lost n alone :(.

Hi Littleone:

I'm sorry about the ending of your relationship. That really hard. Empty, lost and alone is not fun, but you are grieving now and it is normal.

But in my humble opinion, you did the right thing! You recognized that you weren't getting what you needed out of the relationship and chose to move on and find the right situation, rather than being held captive in the current one! Very, very smart decision and incredibly self-aware!

Let the grieving process unfold, ride out the panic, cry, cry, cry.... It's a great stress release.
Then pick yourself up and carry on with your life!
You have a new adventure ahead! Start out on it when you're ready.

One minute, one hour, one day at a time!
Cheers! And good luck!

03-09-2014, 09:40 AM
Grief takes time, even years. Sorry you're dealing with that right now. Just keep moving, living for yourself, and one day it will pass.

03-09-2014, 09:59 AM
I have been in this situation before after dating a boyfriend for just about 4 years. It was VERY rough at first....I would just lay around....crying and listening to the same set of sad songs over and over.....I finally had a good friend who dragged me out of the house and helped me get my mind off of things. It will take a while to get over but it will get easier with time. Try to keep as occupied as possible and hang in there.

03-09-2014, 10:04 AM
Thinking of you on this day LO...Hopes that today gets better, even if just a little bit.
Post up whenever you need us, you're not alone friend...

E-Man... :)

03-09-2014, 10:20 AM
Thanks everyone I just can't stop cryin but now I'm completely drained and struggling to eat and do anything but cry :(. This isn't what I need bt I had to do it I can't work out what to do for the best. I feel a wreck and my body's so tired :(

03-09-2014, 10:37 AM
Thanks everyone I just can't stop cryin but now I'm completely drained and struggling to eat and do anything but cry :(. This isn't what I need bt I had to do it I can't work out what to do for the best. I feel a wreck and my body's so tired :(

You are going through a type of mourning process right now, which is completely normal. Please make sure to eat though...that is very important. .......
Get up and if the weather allows, go for a walk. Even if you have a good cry while you are out....you wont be cooped up at home. It is really hard....I do understand.

03-09-2014, 10:40 AM
look and this post and just smile.see your inner beauty. thats life, thats human. u will get better and meet a wonderful person in the near future :)))

03-09-2014, 10:48 AM
I had a really bad anxiety attack last night and I suffer with acid reflux and eating a banana this morning I was gagging. I can't face much food but I know I need to eat as I am really really thin as it is :(. Why do these things have to hurt so much

03-09-2014, 10:50 AM
Little one when you lose something you get something new and usually better. Today you are crying tomorrow you will smile, then laugh. It did not work, it means that down the line something better waits for you. You will be happy one day, probably sooner than later:))