View Full Version : Ibs, headache, nausea, sweats

03-09-2014, 04:51 AM
So guys it all started with hot flushes a month ago, then came the diarrhoea (sorry TMI), then nausea, then what feels like a tension headache- tender muscles between shoulder blades, up back of neck, 2 spots on back of head, temples and forehead.. I feel so grumpy cos I'm super stressed out.. Now I'm constantly body scanning, testing myself, and playing Dr Google constantly- cannot relax!! I have terrible health anxiety, GAD & panic disorder :(! Have been to 5 doctors all who have assured me its just anxiety... I'm so scared of cancer or MS or something terrible that is being missed. I've been to ER who ran lots of blood tests and all came back perfect....

03-09-2014, 04:56 AM
So guys it all started with hot flushes a month ago, then came the diarrhoea (sorry TMI), then nausea, then what feels like a tension headache- tender muscles between shoulder blades, up back of neck, 2 spots on back of head, temples and forehead.. I feel so grumpy cos I'm super stressed out.. Now I'm constantly body scanning, testing myself, and playing Dr Google constantly- cannot relax!! I have terrible health anxiety, GAD & panic disorder :(! Have been to 5 doctors all who have assured me its just anxiety... I'm so scared of cancer or MS or something terrible that is being missed. I've been to ER who ran lots of blood tests and all came back perfect....

Yip you sound exactly like me!

03-09-2014, 06:33 AM
Hi Ellie, I have all of those little fun gems too. Have had for years and it still isn't MS or cancer. Dr google is a cruel doctor. It likes to twist and turn us. Mr. Anxiety is enough to be dealing with eh. Just an idea which is weird, I never get those when I wake up and my tea hasn't jolted me together!........every minute we spend reading something to terrify us on Dr google we could spend reading a book about overcoming the challenges of anxiety and the processes that occur in our body because of anxiety. Maybe if we keep doing that it will stick and be useful instead of frighten us like the internet doc does. Bookmark pages on tabs to open ( hoping that's the right term) when you open google. Then it can remind you that you have a choice about what you research. Something to help or something to hinder. :) I'm really glad all your tests have been good results eliminating those things. Hope you can have a good day Ellie. :)

Hi Ellie;

Add me to the list of ones who suffer just like you! I so totally understand everything you are feeling, especially the headache, muscle aches in the shoulders, and general stressed out feeling that makes you want to jump out of your skin.

For me, I figured out that prolonged pain in my back is the trigger for the added stress levels.

About 2 years ago I was in lots of physio therapy and acupuncture and my stress, anxiety and pain. levels of anxiety virtually had disappeared. So feeling good I stopped doing what helped me so much. Well...about a month or so ago I landed back in the ER, huge anxiety/ panic attack, and pain. I thought for sure I was dying! You name it, I thought I had it. Thank you very much Dr. Google! I now avoid him like the plague.

Anyway... With a clean bill of health, other than the back injury, which I will deal with for the rest of my life, I thought back to the last time I felt really good! BAM!!! The light bulb came on almost blinding me!

I'm back at physio and accupuncture ...thank you to my doctor for the referral, my insurance company foots most of the bill and a month later I feel fantastic! I take some pain meds once in a while but that's it.

I am a huge believer in accupuncture for helping with stress and anxiety!

I wish you much success! One of my mottos is...one minute, one hour, one day at a time!

Be well. I hope through your interactions with this forum you will learn some strategies which you will find just right for you!
