View Full Version : having a bad day :( could use some advice

04-08-2008, 09:17 AM
today is my birthday...wgich you would think would be a great day but it isnt turning out that way...it seems lately i have my good days and my bad days but today seems like a bad one...since i woke up this morning my mind hasnt stop i just get these thoughts that my mind obesses over and of course i alway anticipate something bad happening so my mind starts to find bad things that could happen and my heart starts to race i get sick to my stomach my face and chest turn bright red i start to sweat my chest tightens up and feels like im about to have a heart attack...for example last night my boyfriend was checking his phone or something and i automatically started thinking it was his ex girlfriend and he erased it so i couldnt see but the funny thing is i never actually heard his phone go off but i just started automatically thinking the worst...im really scared this is going to ruin our relationship...ive been doing good at hiding it from him and acting as normal as possible but i dont know if it really shows or not...is it possible to be in a good relationship while dealing with anxiety and panic attacks? :(

04-08-2008, 09:32 AM
For starters, Happy Birthday! I am so sorry you are feeling this way on your birthday. I understand how you feel about obsessing over thoughts, I do that too and swear that something bad is going to happen to me. I am new to all of this and so I don't have much advice in that department, except to try and do something to take your mind off of it, like reading or whatever. For me, reading works wonders! As for the situation with your boyfriend, I tried to hid it from mine as well. Bad idea. I finally cracked and told him a lot, not all, but most of what I have been feeling. I can tell you this much - I felt all the world better for that. I think you can be in a good relationship while dealing with anxiety and panic, but you have to be as honest as you can. Let him know that your thoughts are not coming out of left field, but from somewhere that is real. Good luck hun and hope your day goes better!