View Full Version : sorry but need a little help

04-07-2008, 05:02 PM
I,ve had anxiety for round 11 years and had most of the tests - e.c.g - blood etc, but i now have new horrible and worrying symptoms which i could do with some advice on, ive got a pretty contant headache - not bad but dull most of time mainly across my forehead and by my temples with numbness and feeling my arms and legs shake and feel weak, like im going to faint at any minute, my vision is well strange - my focus seems to be off, i dont have double vision but sometimes its burrly, ive just started to experience my face being hot and i feel like i have to really work to remember simple things with my brain - ive been to my g.p's a number of times and spoken to different docs who seem to look at records and just say its anxiety - but i dont think it is and its really worrying me - any ideas, thanks for your time..

04-07-2008, 06:18 PM
Hi lifeless

I'm sorry if I'm repeating what your doctor has already said but at times like this you have to be more objective and look at evidence rather than feelings.

How many times have you passed out?

Do you need to take some kind of pain control?

When was the last time you had to ask for assistance because you couldn't see properly?

You already know that anxiety plays all kinds of tricks on your mind and I would hazard a guess that this is nothing more.

Best wishes
