View Full Version : palps yet again help

03-08-2014, 02:05 PM
So ive had my baby yesterday morning. All pretty straight forward. Now im having fast heart and palps real bad palps that are raking my breath away. My anxiety was bad before I fall pregnant then eased off and towards end came back bad... im so scared there is something wrong or im going to die with my baby so young. Im so up set and down I love her so much and my son both very young and cant die as I dont want to leave them and my partner who I love :( please help me get these thoughts out my head or reasure me. The hospital discharged me after 4 hours of having my baby because they said we was fine. My body is sore and my milk will be coming in soon. Why am I getting palps and fast heart?????

03-08-2014, 02:14 PM
Congrats on the baby! That is sooooo awesome.

I am a guy and rarely get pregnant so I don't know if there is a female thing and pregnancy/ delivery that would cause that

If you are released. You are fine

Having anxiety anyway and you went through a pretty powerful and stressful situation with many emotions, you have the right to be a little concerned

You are just worrying so much now because of them and the addition to the family is making you worry even more

Being away from family is hard and it sucks even more when you think you will be away because of your own death

That is all normal things to think about, after giving birth or not

Are you breathing really shallow?

That was the cause of every one of my heart palpitations .

correct the breathing back to normal, they stopped.

I'm guessing this is why you are getting them

Anxious people breathe shallow and do it even more when they are stressed

Try correcting your breathing. Not deep breaths. Just normal belly breaths

03-08-2014, 02:34 PM
Congratulations!! Boy or girl? You didn't say.

Is this your first?

Hang in there my dear, you are going to be on a roller coaster for a bit. Post-partum hormone changes are inevitable. Just ask any woman who has ever given birth!

We are all scared, anxious and exhausted, a horrible mix for existing anxiety sufferers! BUT look at what you accomplished! A new baby!!! A miracle!!!

I can not emphasize this enough..... Accept any and all help offered!!! Lean on those you love, talk to those you love about how you feel, talk to us!

We're here for you!
Now...try and get some sleep. It will help you more than anything!


03-08-2014, 02:54 PM
It was a girl and its the second the second is 3 yrs old now and I never suffered anxiety with the 3rd it was only a year and a half ago my anxiety got came and got bad it fid go away but feels like its come back really bad :( just got constant thoughts im gonna die :(

03-08-2014, 03:24 PM
What can I do to relax and not think bad thoughts and ignore the palps???? Just drivibg me mad

03-08-2014, 03:51 PM
What did you do before to relax? They worked for you before they can work again.

Just find a mantra and keep repeating it to yourself....I'm ok, I'm ok. Something positive to help refocus your brain.

Have a bath if you can.

Cheers! One minute, one hour, one day at a time!