View Full Version : How Long Will It Take?

03-08-2014, 01:10 PM
About how long did you all "suffer"? And how long did it take for you to get better? I know everyone is different. I also know some people have probably suffered their whole lives.

It's going on 3 months since my "meltdown" and I have good days and bad days still. Some days are really bad.

I am seeing a therapist once a week and have been on a new med for a month now. I still feel pretty down and blah most days. I will have a great day and then the next day will be horrible and I will feel like I am taking two steps back.

I used to love doing a lot of things that seem so boring and impossible these days. I now hate my job and dread going. I still cry a lot. I have little energy and have to take Ambien to sleep- this bothers me so much that I have to rely on something to sleep. Both my therapist, husband, and best friend say I am being and have always been way too hard on myself.

I've always had anxiety but the depression and meltdown part of it just started in late December. I am SO ready to be normal again and feel better, but it's really really hard and a daily struggle.

I am trying to find joy in little things like reading new books or watching a new show on netflix, but I can't watch or read anything too emotional or "dramatic" or it makes me feel worse.

No point to this post really, just seeing if anyone can give any insight. I know it's 100% mental and I need to just keep working on it. Somedays it's hard though.

03-08-2014, 01:21 PM
Hm. I got my anxiety 3 months ago and I feel MUCH better now. 2 months ago, I was suicidal and today I'm like "wtf was I thinking?!". I can't say that I'm feeling 100% good. I know I'm close though.

I have days where everything feel like sh*t, where I'm ready to give up. I also have days where I feel so good as if I don't have a problem, I forget it completly.

It's indeed not easy and I think we'll reach our goal at the end.

03-08-2014, 01:23 PM
I was just like you. My anxiety and depression was absolutely crippling. I had to be on meds and would go to the ER every week, in fear that I was dying. You know what I did? I started meditating. I took walks. Everyday. I read a lot. Reading calms you down and puts you literally in a new world. Yoga also helped a lot. You just have to take care of yourself. With anxiety, you are at war with your mind. You, yourself are your own worst enemy. Once you accept this, you will start to recover. Slowly. Very slowly. But you will

03-08-2014, 01:31 PM
Hm. I got my anxiety 3 months ago and I feel MUCH better now. 2 months ago, I was suicidal and today I'm like "wtf was I thinking?!". I can't say that I'm feeling 100% good. I know I'm close though.

I have days where everything feel like sh*t, where I'm ready to give up. I also have days where I feel so good as if I don't have a problem, I forget it completly.

It's indeed not easy and I think we'll reach our goal at the end.

i'm a few steps behind you - good days where i almost forget and then bad days.

are you in therapy? what meds are you on?

03-08-2014, 01:32 PM
I was just like you. My anxiety and depression was absolutely crippling. I had to be on meds and would go to the ER every week, in fear that I was dying. You know what I did? I started meditating. I took walks. Everyday. I read a lot. Reading calms you down and puts you literally in a new world. Yoga also helped a lot. You just have to take care of yourself. With anxiety, you are at war with your mind. You, yourself are your own worst enemy. Once you accept this, you will start to recover. Slowly. Very slowly. But you will

thanks patches- i used to never read but have read more in the past 3 months than I ever have. I also love walking too. It's like I'm doing all of the right things, but the progress is so slow.

03-08-2014, 01:40 PM
How long will it take?

How long is a piece of string...

Sorry, had to say that. You're a cat!!! :D

03-08-2014, 01:43 PM
thanks patches- i used to never read but have read more in the past 3 months than I ever have. I also love walking too. It's like I'm doing all of the right things, but the progress is so slow.

Slow and steady wins the race! You are on a journey of self-discovery....enjoy the ride!

03-08-2014, 02:14 PM
i'm a few steps behind you - good days where i almost forget and then bad days.

are you in therapy? what meds are you on?

No meds. I did reconsider it a few times, but I just couldn't. I tried therapy - got the worst therapist and didn't try it again.

03-08-2014, 02:44 PM
Ive had mine for 7 months and only in the last teo weeks have i started to feel better.

Im not 100% better but im very close :)

I take fluoextine 20mg once a day and i feel this as helped me alot